畢業啦! 恭喜你! Congraduations On Your Graduation!


生字筆順練習 —端午節

家庭作業 2020.5.30

一. 聽錄音, 填空  (Fill in the blanks by listening to the recording provided)。


二. 看視頻, 回答問題 (Watch the video, then answer the following questions):

1. 端午節又叫什麼? [What is the alternative name of “Duanwu Jie (端午節)” in Chinese]?

2. 你聽到了哪些端午節習俗? (What are the Dragon Boat Festival customs mentioned in the video) ?

3. 用”午”、”牛”各造兩個詞 (Make two words with each of the Chinese characters “午”、”牛”)。

手工 — 紙粽子(Origami Paper Rice Dumpling)