April 19

Raining Day & Extended (2017~18, 6th)

rainy day
下雪天 Snow Day 我在雪地走,外面在下雪,裏面在歡呼。 I walk in the snow. It is hailing outside. It is cheering inside. 哎呀!地結冰了。害我沒上學。 Ay Ya! The ground is icy. Thus, I do not have school.

沙子天 Sandy Day 我在滑沙子,外面沙塵暴,裏面堆沙子, I slide down the sand. Outside there is a sand storm coming. Inside is already sandy。 哎呀!沙子填滿房子,害我我得清理 Ai Ya!  The sand is filling up the house, Thus, I have to clean a lot

滑雪日 Ski Day 我在雪地滑走。外面很寒冷,裏面很溫暖。 I slide through the snow. It is cold outside. It is warm inside. 哎呀! 我丟失了暖手包。害我手很冷。 Ai ya! My handwarmer is lost! Thus, my hand is cold.

聖誕節 Christmas Day 我在樹林中走。外頭是冬季仙境,裏頭是室內仙境。 I walk to the Christmas tree. It’s a winter wonderland outside. It’s a winter wonderland inside. 哎呀!我的毛衣發癢。害我很傷心。 Ai Ya! I got an itchy sweater! That’s why  I’m sad.

野鶏日 Pheasant Day 我在森林走,外面有野鶏,裏面有小鶏! I walk in the forest,Pheasant outside, chicken inside! 哎呀!他們來了,害我沒有地方躲。 Oh no! They came in and I have no place to hide.

僵尸日  Zombie Day 我在黑暗中跑,外面在毀滅,裏面有僵尸。 I run from the Zombies. There is an apocalypse outside. Zombies are breaking in inside. 哎呀!就在家中!害我困在櫃子裏。 Oh no! They are in my house! Thus I am trapped in a cabinet.

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Posted 2018-04-19 by ashbrook1997 in category Living Mandarin