
孔子講學   Confucius Lecture 

孔子是我國古代著名的教育家, 思想家Confucius was a prominent educator, and Philosopher of ancient China 

他最早創立私孰招收學生He was the first civilian in China to open a private school and accept students of all classes 

孔子學生一共有三千名Confucius was said to have 3,000 disciples 

著名的賢人有72Of whom 72 became well known for their excellent 

但是我們都說 “賢人 70That we usually called the seventy wisdoms  

孔子教學生以儒家典籍 “ 詩, , , , 春秋 ” 為教材using the Confucianism classics including Book of odes, Classic of History, Classic of Rites, Yi Jing and Spring and Autumn Annals as textbooks 

從 “文, , , 信 ” 這四項為課程

Confucius taught his disciples four disciplines: Literature, Conduct, Loyalty and Trustworthiness    

即歷代文獻, 品德修養, 厚道忠誠, 誠實守信Classics of the previous dynastic, moral principles and virtues, loyalty and faithfulness  

以 “禮, , , , , 數” 六藝為教學內容Ritual, music, archery, chariot-riding, calligraphy and computation of six arts 

培養了許多人才Which helped bring up a great number of talents in his time 

孔子的教育原則是Confucius principle of education was 

有教無類”,   “因材施教”to provide education for all people without discrimination and he taught students according to their dispositions 

孔子留下了許多寶貴的教學經驗He left many valuable legacies in teaching 


Which still have great influence over todays education. 

弟子規”就是根據  論語  中孔子的一段話而寫成的

This book standards for Being A Good Student and Child was based on paragraph of Confucius in the   Analects of Confucius 


孔子講學 _教學影片




1.      我國古代著明的教育家和思想家是誰?

2.      孔子的學生中著名的賢人有幾人?

3.      孔子教學生以什麼為教材?

4.      孔子的教育原則是什麼?

5.      弟子規是根據什麼而寫成的?



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