


與人為善   With good intentions toward others 

孔子告訴學生, 做人應儘量不拿自己的優點, 去張顯別人的弱點.Confucius told his students; don’t compare our strong points to other’s weak points. 

不要故意表現自己的善心, 去顯示別人的惡意. Don’t intentionally show our kindness to manifest other’s malice.  

千萬不要以自己的聰明才智, 去捉弄別人,欺負別人, 應該要謙虛, Don’t use our intelligence to tease and bully others. We should remain humble. 

看見別人有過錯, 要寬恕, 看見別人做了好事, 要表揚, 同時給做惡的人有改過的機會.We should forgive others when they make a mistake and praise others for their good deeds.  At the same time, give those who did act of evil a chance to improve themselves.  

下面這個故事是 “與人為善” 的故事.

The following story is called “Kindness Toward Others”.


三 人行必有我師焉


    When three men are walking together,  there is one who can be my teacher                

Confucius, the great ancient educator was a person active in thinking and  devoted to learning Who was not ashamed to learn from those below him,      

Once, during his travel          

Confucius and his disciples were stopped by a child           

 Who was building a small toy castle on the road with bricks and stones     

 Confucius asked the child to give way to his carriage    

However, the child replied  



孔子講學   Confucius Lecture 

孔子是我國古代著名的教育家, 思想家Confucius was a prominent educator, and Philosopher of ancient China 

他最早創立私孰招收學生He was the first civilian in China to open a private school and accept students of all classes 

孔子學生一共有三千名Confucius was said to have 3,000 disciples 

著名的賢人有72Of whom 72 became well known for their excellent 

但是我們都說 “賢人 70That we usually called the seventy wisdoms  
