30A Week10 Spring 相聲表演票選前三名 &『一言難盡中文班』 performance 總集錦

  Week6 Super student of the week: 李若琳

  Week7 Super student of the week: 張雅



  Week8 Super student of the week: 蔡宗翰





 張嘉莉 Chinese Presentation


 簡子翔 「一言難盡中文班」.

 馬士媛. 蒲星恬『一言難盡中文班』.

 沈惟思『安安, 丹丹 』.


WK10 Spring CSL2 課堂教學活動 – 介紹 文房四寶 +口語評量活動:認識十二生肖及上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。


文房四宝视频介绍 Four Treasures of Study Video Introduce

請問毛筆Chinese brush 除了可以寫「書法」Chinese Calligraphy 之外,還可以作什麼用途呢?

Chinese Brush Pen —- Video 2


CSL2 口語評量活動:上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖(zodiac) 和性格(personality)

經過一學期的學習,這些在家不說中文的學生,初次認識了十二生肖的文化源由和順序,更讓我很感動的是BiancaTyler, Nicole and Issac try so hard to work on their presentation in Chinese .雖然發音不標準,但他們的努力是大家有目共睹的。發音不標準和帶有口音,反而成為他們的特色,讓人聽起來覺得很可愛,不是嗎? Especially Bianca, not only shows  the zodiac for all her family members, also shows the personality to present each zodiac of her family members. Fantastic job!! You definitely the Super Student of the week!!

 Bianca: Zodiac and Personality Oral Presentation.

 Tyler: Zodiac and family members Oral Presentation.

 Nicole: Zodiac Oral Presentation.

 Issac 曾乐希: Zodiac Oral Presentation。(瞧瞧他說完後的得意笑容)

 謝蔻業 – Zodiac Oral Presentation

 Joseph – Zodiac Oral Presentation

 Ethan – Zodiac Oral Presentation

As of 3/23/11, Top 3 of 1st oral presentation winners are: Cameron: 4 votes; Jennifer: 4 votes; Emily: 2 votes. Please continue to vote for your favorite ones by 3/31/11.


Week9 Super student of the week: 鄧詠恩

   Happy Birthday Jennifer.MPG  

討論主題:你喜歡什麼樣的老師?假如你是中文老師,你將會怎麼做呢?+ CSL2 口 語評量: 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。


你喜歡什麼樣的老師對學生好? 很會教書?或不會派太多功課?風趣幽默?嚴肅認真的和藹可親?或是「好好先生」型的?


Please sing along with the video and then try to answer below questions:







大小姐 老師-120.wmv







Content: 50% (時間掌控:2~3 分鐘); Performance: 50% (咬字清晰,聲調及情感表達expression) Please collect all the related resources/materials to support your opinion.

(How to run a fun and 有學習效率的classroom?)

假如我是中文老師。。。。 謝禮

  假如我是中文老師。。。。 蔡博宇



CSL2 First Oral Presentation –

上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。Please vote for your favorite top 3 presenter.

金景濂 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

林洁恩 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

余子維、凌秀雯、鄧詠恩、凌秀恆 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

高永真 上台練習講述自己和家人的生肖。

  Happy Birthday  林洁恩3/19


Week7 Super student of the week: 謝蔻業

Week6 Super student of the week: 高永真

遊戲學華語 寓教於樂 主題:十二生肖 ; 網路拼音教室:第十二課 Ün、Üan、Üe (ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄢ、ㄩㄝ)


 Enjoy the games and have fun. Please record your time and score on the comment box to get your credit.

After all the games, vote for your favorite one.

(Please click the link or picture …> "play" button …> "play" button, please turn on the speaker & listen to the play rules and then hit "start" to play the game.)

Game 1:

功夫小子闖通關 Kung-fu Buster


Game 2:

飛鏢大考驗 Darts Trial

Game 3:

魔窟尋寶記Treasure Hunting in Monster's Cave

Question TypeTrue or False

Game 4:

比武召集令 Martial Skills Competition   

Question TypeTrue or False


(1) Please choose your favorite top 3 videos and the reason why?(25%) .

(2) Please write the order of the 12 zodiac (25%)  .

(3) Which vedios you can find the information about your zodiac personality? Do you think the description is correct about yourself or your family member's personality?(50%)

1.Zodiac of twelve animal sign (English Version but only partial)


 2. 漢字動畫 十二生肖 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals

 3. Chinese culture–The Race Begins生肖王的典故

 4.  Hello Kitty – Chinese Zodiac

5.What's your ShengXiao(Chinese Zodiac signs)?

 6. Chinese Zodiac Sign

7.Write Chinese – 12 animals of Chinese Zodiac


8.  Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac 

網路拼音教室:第十二課 Ün、Üan、Üe(ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄢ、ㄩㄝ)