Week2 Spring 淺談「相聲」+線上Flash 測驗: 美洲華語 Book6 Lesson 5 [測驗型式: 是非題+快車手]

「相聲」是說唱藝術之中,最為人們熟悉的項目,起源於北京地。相聲是語言的藝術,也是幽默的藝術, 它運用了各種說、學、逗、唱的技巧,組織「包袱」逗觀眾哈哈一笑,並有針砭世俗 、寓教於樂的功能。包袱又稱gen ㄍㄣ也就是現代人所說的「笑點 」

若由字面上解釋,「相」指相貌,也就是演員的表情動作;「聲 」指聲音,也就是演員的語言發聲。因此,一段完整的相聲演出,應該包括「相」與「聲」。


一、單口相聲: 一人演出,類似說書,與說書最大差別在於說書不一定要有哏,相聲則無哏難以成立。單口相聲內容通常具有故事性。


二、對口相聲: 二人演出,主述者稱為「逗哏 」幫腔者稱為「捧哏」。依捧、逗份量不同,又可分為「一頭沉」和「子母哏」。一頭沉以逗哏為主,捧哏為輔,如:歪批三國、彬彬有禮、大保鏢。子母哏則二人等量齊觀,多半為爭辯的形式,如:老少樂、兩性辯、說一不二。 









線上測驗: Book6 Lesson 5 

[如果你的電腦出現亂碼, pleae click and follow the steps Solution for Flash test problem.pdf –謝謝阿寶老師的指引和MLCC的玉白老師的經驗分享.]





請填寫姓名然後點擊填好了,then your score will save into the system.



你的分數是 100 分!


姓名:  例:林郁為  





正體字版Quizlet 電腦字卡遊戲

遊戲學華語 寓教於樂 主題:十二生肖 ; 網路拼音教室:第十二課 Ün、Üan、Üe (ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄢ、ㄩㄝ)


 Enjoy the games and have fun. Please record your time and score on the comment box to get your credit.

After all the games, vote for your favorite one.

(Please click the link or picture …> "play" button …> "play" button, please turn on the speaker & listen to the play rules and then hit "start" to play the game.)

Game 1:

功夫小子闖通關 Kung-fu Buster


Game 2:

飛鏢大考驗 Darts Trial

Game 3:

魔窟尋寶記Treasure Hunting in Monster's Cave

Question TypeTrue or False

Game 4:

比武召集令 Martial Skills Competition   

Question TypeTrue or False


(1) Please choose your favorite top 3 videos and the reason why?(25%) .

(2) Please write the order of the 12 zodiac (25%)  .

(3) Which vedios you can find the information about your zodiac personality? Do you think the description is correct about yourself or your family member's personality?(50%)

1.Zodiac of twelve animal sign (English Version but only partial)


 2. 漢字動畫 十二生肖 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals

 3. Chinese culture–The Race Begins生肖王的典故

 4.  Hello Kitty – Chinese Zodiac

5.What's your ShengXiao(Chinese Zodiac signs)?

 6. Chinese Zodiac Sign

7.Write Chinese – 12 animals of Chinese Zodiac


8.  Twelve Animals of the Chinese Zodiac 

網路拼音教室:第十二課 Ün、Üan、Üe(ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄢ、ㄩㄝ)

一字開花 + estroke +紅包袋燈籠 + 網路拼音教室:第十一課 un、ong、ueng、ui、uo (ㄨㄣ、ㄨㄥ、ㄨㄟ、ㄨㄛ)

一字開花:下圖每個題目,都有一個空格,請你在空格裡填進一個字,使這個字和上下左右的字組合起來,都能成為一個詞。Please list each set of answer with 2 phrases inside the comment box.(Bonus: Make your own set)



Please drag (or copy) the new vocabulary one at a time (to paste) inside the below small blue rectangle box , then hit enter to auto play the e-stroke.

  Do you like this e-stroke tool? Do you think it will help you to learn how to write the Chinese characters?

   Please type 10 vocabularies from Textbook to practice the e-stroke. Please list all 10 vocabularies in the comment box to get your extra credit promptly.

Week 5 Super Student of the Week


網路拼音教室: 第十一課 un、ong、ueng、ui、uo(ㄨㄣ、ㄨㄥ、ㄨㄟ、ㄨㄛ)


[補充教材] 請在看完下面影片後,試著回答下列問題:

(1) 螞蟻用甚麼來找食物和與其他的螞蟻溝通?

(2) 因為螞蟻長期生長在土裡,視力不好。螞蟻的眼睛是單眼?還是複眼?
(3) 螞蟻分為工蟻、兵蟻、雄蟻和蟻后四種階級,其中數量最多,個體最小的是哪一種螞蟻?
(4) [蟻后是一家之主,雄蟻個體最大負責蟻群的安全],請問這句話,哪裡說錯了?
(5) 工蟻和兵蟻都是沒有生殖能力的女生嗎?

 童話故事  螞蟻與蟋蟀- What message did you got from this video?

 团结就是力量 Unity is Strength.+ 捕鱼歌

 What did you learn from below video? Use your imagination and share your thought. 

 How to make a Flower Ball Chinese New Year Lantern using Red Packets

十全宫灯 – hong bao lantern DIY

利是封作品 : 從來都沒有想過,紅包袋可以做出這麼多漂亮的作品Which one is your favorite?



  • 報名資格:凡3-15歲的小朋友均可報名參加。
  • 參加步驟:下載面具版型動手彩繪面具作品拍照上傳參加活動。[作品上傳時間:2009.10.5 ~2009.10.25



  • 請點擊Please click below picture:






Cool Photo Slideshows

Dear CSL2A Parents:

Please click the above link and then you can choose your favor one design from #4, #2 or #3. Pleaase make down your choise inside the comment box below, so we are going to choose the cool and fun design for our class activity photo book.

Note: you need to prvide your name and the authimage 驗證碼(必要), when you see the chinse number next to the box, please just type in numerical number, for example: you need to type "115540" for security purpose. Each time the system will come out different security code.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Jessica Lin (Cai Lao Shi)

#1. PhotoShoot: http://www.picturetrail.com/flicks/6081193/preview

#2. Boxes_CSL2A & 28B: http://www.picturetrail.com/flicks/6080857/preview

#3. Spiral: http://www.picturetrail.com/flicks/5996701/preview

#4. 3D Hexangon_CSL2A: http://www.picturetrail.com/flicks/6086702/preview

#5. Carousel_Teacher Appreciation Day: http://www.picturetrail.com/flicks/6097331/preview

#6. Acrobat Cube: http://www.picturetrail.com/flicks/6081121/preview

#7. Boxes: http://www.picturetrail.com/flicks/6081312/preview