
We learned how to tell time this week.  We also reviewed food and numbers.  The children suggested a new game: Hot potatoes.  We tried to do the Chinese version and had great fun.

I am thinking to do a play at the end of this sememster.  It will use all the words they have learned and plus a few more.  Please reviewed the flashcards. (words and food)





This week we continued with our theme of Cinese New year.  

1. Watched a short video about the story of the year

2. Practiced the Chinese word for horse.  Also learned how tow write the words for cow, sheep and mother

3. Reviewed songs

4. Used playdough to make a horse


1. On the drill sheet, write each word at least one more time.  Try to follow the order of the strokes

2. Watch Phonics song on the blog.  Repeat after the song.



This is what we did this week

1. Review greetings

2. Learn how to say "What is your name?" "My name is …." "What is his/her name?"" His name is.."

3. Learn how to say the word "like" and practice different ways to do it

4. Check homework

5. Review the words we have learned

6. Learn the second part of phonics song

7. Do a Chinese math sheet


Review the flashcards on blog.  Practice the expressions we learn today 

12/4 Chinese

We learned and reviewed about 10 words this week.  These are mainly picture words so the children picked up very fast.  We also practiced the following:
1. greetings
2. This is
3. I, you, he/she and mine,yours, hers/his
4. "same" and "not the same"
5. Scissors nursery ryhme
1. Review words flashcards
2. Review nursery rhyme