2012語言文化手牽手-Lincoln High School

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The Chinese Fall Festival is a time of celebration between the month of September and November when crops are ready to harvest.  During this time of year families and friends take part in the making and eating of traditional rice cakes.   The fillings of each cake can be made with both a sweet or spiced flavor with the most common being red bean and green bean paste.  The circular shapes of the rice cakes symbolize the Chinese idea of “Tuan Yuan” reunion.   Volunteer Chinese teachers from around the Greater Portland Area Chinese Schools are rounding up the festivities and have all of the materials needed to get students in the community involved with the celebration.  Hands-on instructions on how to make these traditional cakes along with instructions on creating a Chinese paper box to carry the cakes home in are all part of the day’s festivities.

為了宣揚中華文化,提升美國學校的學生學習中文的興趣,大波特蘭聯誼會特別跨出第一步,從谷心中文學校在中秋節作的 “漢文風華慶中秋”為起點,將到三所波特蘭美國學校辦活動。

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