May 25

Thank You

感謝 親愛的爸媽    Thank you dear parents    (Appreciation for our parents)

給我擋風遮雨的家       為我做香噴噴飯菜

For a home that protects against the wind and the rain.  Preparing delicious meals

陪伴我長大 And being there with me every step of the way.

感謝 親愛的老師 Thank you dear teachers.

教導我無窮盡知識        指引人生迷惘方向
Passing on to me endless wisdom and knowledge to guide me to plan for my future.  

陪伴我長大 Accompanying me as I grow

感謝 親愛的朋友 Thank you my dear friends

分享生活苦辣酸甜     一起探索這浩瀚世界
Sharing with me your success and worries. Discovering the frontiers of the world together

陪伴我長大 Accompanying me as I grow up

感謝 路邊的小花小草 Appreciating the little flowers and grass that line the road

裝點風景詩篇Decorating the scenery like a beautiful poem

感謝經過的大風大雨 Grateful for the turbulent times

增加我勇氣 Building my courage

感謝 流動的水    偉大的高山 Grateful for the flowing streams and high mountains

感謝上天和大地   我們擁有平安的每一天
Grateful for the sky and the land for our peaceful everyday.

Thank You


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Posted 2015-05-25 by huahuafun in category Song