August 20

Dishes and Tableware-B

請喝茶! Enjoy the tea, Please.

你的餐具好漂亮喔! Your tableware is beautiful.

喜歡嗎? Do you like them?

喜歡! 喜歡就送給你。Sure. You can have them if you like.

謝謝, 你留著自己用, 我想自己買. Thanks, but I want to buy a set of my own. Wen-Wen, Would you go with me tomorrow to buy some Chinese style dishes?

您想買些什麼呢? What kind of dishes would you like to buy?

吃中國菜需要哪些餐具呢? What are the dining utensils for Chinese cuisine?

最少得有筷子、飯碗、菜盤和湯匙。You should at least have chopsticks, rice bowls, serving dishes and soup spoons.

每樣要每幾個才夠用呢? How much should I buy for every item?

你一個人住,一套就夠用了。A whole set is sufficient for you.

我想多花一點錢,買一套漂亮的瓷器。I would like to spend a bit of money to buy a set of beautiful porcelain dishes.

我贊成, 美食搭配美麗的餐具會更好吃! I agree! Fine food should be accompanied with fine utensils.

明天就麻煩您了! I’ll count on you tomorrow.

別客氣 Don’t mention it

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August 20

Dishes and Tableware-A

餐具 Dishes and tableware
林小姐 :明天您能不能陪我去買幾件中式餐具?Would you go with me tomorrow to buy some Chinese style dishes?
王太太:您想買些什麼呢?What kind of dishes would you like to buy?
林小姐 :我要買些吃中國菜需要用的餐具。I would like to buy some dinning utensils for Chinese cuisine.
王太太:您最少得有筷子、飯碗、菜盤和湯匙。You should at least have chopsticks, rice bowls, serving dishes and soup spoons.
林小姐:每樣要買幾個才夠用呢?How much should I buy for every item?
王太太:最好買一整套, 使用起來才方便。You’d better buy a whole set.  It’s more convenient.
林小姐 :我想多花一點錢,買一套漂亮的瓷器。I would like to spend a bit of money to buy a set of beautiful porcelain dishes.
王太太:我贊成, 美食也得有美的器具才行啊!I agree! Fine food should be accompanied with fine utensils.

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August 19

Furniture B

傢俱 Furniture
嗨! 文文! 大年, 你來了啊!Hi, Wen-Wen. There you are, Da-Nian.

報上說, 這家店正在打折,傢俱都比平常便宜。
The newspaper says the store is promoting discount and the furniture are cheaper than usual.
我想買傢俱,所以找你過來看看! 謝謝你了!
I want to buy some furniture, so I asked you to come here.
你別客氣!  我也想趁打折的時候,看看有哪些傢俱可以買。
I wanted to buy some furniture myself when they’re on sale.
是啊!  你想買什麼呢?Right.  What do you want to buy?
我先看看,合適的話才買。 你呢?
I’ll have a look and then decide if I find something perfect for me.  How about you?
I want to buy a set of sods and a bookshelf.
This set of sofa’s style isn’t bad. How much is it?
那這張圓形桌子呢? 我喜歡橡木做的傢俱。
How about that round table? I like furniture made with fine oak.
別急!  慢慢看! 一定可以找到又好又便宜的傢俱。
Don’t rush! Take a look, and you’ll find something nice and cheap.

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August 19

Furniture A


小姐,您要買什麼樣的傢俱?沙發還是書櫃呢?Miss, what kind of furniture would you like to buy?  A Sofa or a bookshelf?

我只是看看。I am just looking

我們正在打折。所有的傢俱都比平常便宜。We’re having a sale now.  All of our furniture is much cheaper than usual.

這套沙發樣式很不錯,要多少錢?This set of sofa’s style is not bad, how much is it?

這套沙發不貴,打折以後只要一萬八千塊錢。This sofa set is not expensive, after discount it is only 18,000 NTD.

那張圓形餐桌的材質是什麼呢?That dining table is made out of the finest oak.

那張餐桌是用最好的橡木做的。That dining table is made out of the finest oak.

這些傢俱都很漂亮,不過我再考慮考慮。These pieces of furniture are all very pretty, but I am still thinking on it. Continue reading

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August 17

Buying Postage Stamps-B

買郵票/买邮票Buying Postage Stamps
嗨!文文Hi! Wen wen
You have a lot of stamps
Yes! I just bought it at the post office
你看!台灣的郵票好漂亮喔Look, Taiwan stamps are so beautiful
Yes! And there are new stamps for the New Year
That must be worth buying
How will you be here?
I want to buy a aerogram to be sent to Japan
aerograms are cheap and convenient
By the way, I have two airmail letters here that I want to send to the U.S. Do you know how much stamps should be affixed?
You go to the post office to weigh it
OK! I’m going to the post office now
Thanks, bye

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