October 5

Mid Autumn Festival-B

中秋月餅 Autumn Festival Moon Cake

大年, 小莉, 肚子餓了吧? 要不要吃月餅啊?

Da-Nian, Xiao-Li, are you hungry?  Would you like to eat a moon cake?

好哇。 我要豆沙餡的。我想要蛋黃酥。

OK. I’d Like one stuffed with bean paste.  I want to one stuffed with yolk.

月餅配上高山茶, 味道更好!

The moon cake taste better to go along with high mountain tea.


Where did you buy the moon cake? It’s delicious.


Grandma sent them.


Moon cakes seem to more tasty at the thought of Grandma.


Mid Autumn Festival is the day for the whole family to appreciate the Moon.


Right. If the whole family can’t get together to enjoy the moon, there’s just no holiday spirit.

我住在國外, 實在不太懂中國人的節日耶!

I live in abroad, and I don’t know much about Chinese holidays.


Mid-autumn is the harvest season, so the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrate a fruitful harvest.


I remember Grandma told me the story of Chang-O.  That was really a good story.

文文, 我也要聽! 你快說嘛!

Wen-Wen, I want to listen to the story. Tell me.


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Posted 2015-10-05 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words