October 7

A Letter-B

文文有你的信。 You have your letter!
是啊,剛剛郵差送來的。 Yep, just delivered by the postman.
是誰寄來的? Who sent it?
是我舅媽寄來的。 It was sent by my aunt.
快拆開來看看吧! Quick take a look.
The letter said they were coming to Taiwan and by the way see me.
這真是個好消息。 This is really good news.
對了,他們從哪裡來? By the way, where do they come from?
美國西雅圖。 Seattle, USA.
是來觀光的嗎? Are you here for sightseeing?
不是。 舅舅是來臺北開會的。 no. My uncle came to Taipei for a meeting.
他們要住哪裡呢? Where are they going to live?
I don’t have a room here, so I have to stay in a hotel.
他們哪一天到呢? When will they arrive?
According to the letter, the time should be the 30th.
他們會呆多久呢? How long will they stay?
大概一個星期。 About a week.
You have to make arrangements and take them around.
I’m going to take them to visit the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, and then take them to the 101 Building.
這個安排太好了。 This arrangement is great.

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Posted 2015-10-07 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words