October 7

A Letter-A

一封信A Letter

媽,郵差剛送來一封信, 好像是舅媽寄來的。Mom, the postman has just delivered a letter.  It seems to be from Aunt.

快拆開看看,你看得懂嗎?Hurry, open it and take a look. Can you understand it?

內容很簡單, 信上說舅舅和舅媽要來美國。It is very easy. Uncle and Aunt are coming to America.

這真是個好消息,他們是來觀光的嗎?That’s really a good news.  Are they coming to do sightseeing?

舅媽陪舅舅到西雅圖開會,順便來看我們。Aunt will accompany Uncle to Seattle for a meeting, and visit us on the way.

他們那一天回到我們家呢?Did Aunt mention when will they arrive?

按照信上說的時間,應該是三十號到。She said they will arrive on their 30th

我得把客房打掃乾淨,他們一來就可以住。I must tidy up the guest room so that they can stay as soon as they arrive.

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Posted 2015-10-07 by huahuafun in category Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words