April 2

Going to the Fair (四)

參加園遊會Going to the School Fair
張莉:下個週末學校有個園遊會, 你們要不要去?
Lily: Next weekend the school will hold a school fair. Do you all want to go?
May: First I should ask my mom if I can go.
Lily: It’ll be livelier if we find more people to go. Who do you want to invite?
友朋:聽說東明吃太多花生,過敏了,他媽媽應該不讓他 出來。
Joe: I heard Tony ate too many peanuts and had an allergic reaction. His mom probably won’t let him go.
心美:你約別的朋友去吧!如果我媽媽答應了,我也想帶 一個朋友去。
May: Go invite another friend then! If my mom says yes, I want to bring a friend with me.
Lily: Who do you want to bring? Is it someone I know?
May: You haven’t met him before. He’s my new neighbor.
Joe: I’ll bring my cousin. You all know her well.

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Posted 2016-04-02 by huahuafun in category Let's learn Chinese