May 16

When Will The Red Flower Bloom?


flower bloom紅花紅花幾月開
When well the red flower bloom?

紅花紅花幾月開?一月開! When will the red flower bloom? in January!
一月不開幾月開?二月開! If not in January, then when? in February!
二月不開 幾月開?三月開! If not in February, then when? in March!
三月不開幾月開?四月開! If not in March, then when? in April!
四月不開幾月開?五月開! If not in April, then when? in May!
五月不開幾月開?六月開! If not in May, then when? in June!
六月不開幾月開?七月開! If not in June, then win? in July!
七月不開幾月開? If not in July, then when?
八月一定開。In August, it must bloom!

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May 10

At School

10 at school

At School10 at school

在学校 At School
我喜歡看書I like to read.
我喜歡畫畫I like to draw.
我喜歡跳舞I like to dance.
我喜歡唱歌I like to sing.
我喜歡游泳I like to swim.
我喜歡打球I like to play ball.
我喜歡爬上爬下I like to climb up and down.


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May 9

Buying Stuff


Buying Stuff pptBuying Stuff w

買東西Buying stuff
我要買蛋糕。I want to buy a cake.
我要買麵包I want to buy bread.
我要買牛奶I want to buy milk.
我要買巧克力I want to buy chocolate.
我要買水果I want to buy fruits.
我要買冰淇淋I want to buy ice cream.
我要買果汁。啊!全灑了。Oh, no, it spilled.

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