


1.11/15 期末考


2.作業本第 170-174 

Complete workbook page 170- 174 (第十課)


3. 模擬考卷 四張 

Four pages mock
exam handouts


4. 人文教育實踐單.  Daily entry
for seeking answers or knowledge

5. 看多拉ㄟ夢卡通. 上課時大家會一起討論.


 1. 作業本第 163-168 
Complete workbook page 163-168 (第十課)
2. 用下面第十課的生詞造句.每一個詞造一個句子. 不會寫得字可以用拼音或注音.
Use each phrase below from lesson 10 to create a sentence.  You can use pinyin or zhu yin to complete the sentence.

電話, 出來, 同學, 進步, 一同, 笑話, 貝殼

3. 念第十課課文, 並錄音寄給老師.
Record the reading of the textbook page 96 and 97 and send it to teacher.  
4. 看教學錄影片兩次. 


本週功課 Homework:
  1. 作業本第 157-162 
Complete workbook page 157-162 (第九課)
2. 小考第九課 生字和生詞必需會口頭造句.
Quiz on lesson 9 for vocabulary and phrases.  Also, the students need to be able to create sentences verbally.
3. Quizlet 複習第七,,九課生詞
Using Quizlet to review the lesson 7, 8, 9 phrases
4. 看好餓的毛毛蟲故事看完影片到課堂上分享你的心得.
Watch A Very Hungry Caterpillar Story and share your thoughts in the class


 1. 作業本第 151-156 頁
Complete workbook page 151-156 (第九課, 第二週)
2. 小考, 第九課 生字和生詞, 必需會口頭造句.
Quiz on lesson 9 for vocabulary and phrases.  Also, the students need to be able to create sentences verbally.
4. 識字比賽, 前兩名有獎品.
Vocabulary competition, the top two students will receive awards.
 5. 看教學影片兩次 
Watch the preview video twice