

1.   1. 看以下的小叮噹影片用三個句子, 寫出你的心得.

Watch the
youtube video below and write 3 sentences to describe your thoughts from the


2.   2.  講義三張

complete the 3 handouts



Dear Parents,
We will have final exam next week.  So please help your child to review all the vocabulary and sentences and textbook from lesson 7 to lesson 10.  The exam will will take 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Also, unfortunately I have a schedule conflict on 11/22 so I would like to move our Class Presentation to next week at 11:10am.  You are invited to join us class if you are available. Your child will be delighted to show you what he/she has learned this semester.
The assignment for this week is to study for final exam.
1. Review all the lesson 7 to lesson 10 vocabulary on page 117 and 118
2. Study the quizlet below.  The students need to practice the reading the sentences and understand the meaning.
3. Also please review the textbook p.66, 67, 76, 77, 86, 87, 96, and 97.  
I will not quiz the story.   Please practice reading without zhu yin or pin yin.

If you have questions, please let me know.  


本週功課 :
 1.11/15 期末考

2.作業本第 175-180 

Complete workbook page 175- 180 (第十課).


3說文解字  – 用一張A4 的紙( 可以用彩色的)

從第七課到第十課選4-8個字, 畫出字或詞的意思, 然後到課堂上講給大家聽.


Write down one thing you appreciate daily.


5. Quizlet
練習第七 到十課的生詞和句型.  Practice the phrases and sentence pattern for
lesson 7 to lesson 10.