重點學習Lesson Objectives:

ü  Listening and Speaking:  唐詩朗誦複習

ü  Reading: 第七課課文

ü  Writing:  Keywords on Lesson 7

唐詩詩圖講解和朗誦複習 (Tong Poem Illustration and Recitation Review) 9:30-9:50




認字練習 (Review Time!) 9:50 – 10:10

Quizlet and Flashcards

第七課介紹 (10:15 – 10:45)

Lesson 7 Introduction and Context

Show students pictures and/or demonstration of “earth worms” (蚯蚓) , Garden (花園), 地震 (Earthquake), 皮膚 (Skin), 呼吸 (Breath)

解釋部首: “虫”

第七課課文解釋及朗誦 (11:00 – 11:25)



學生作品交流與分享(11:25- 11:55)

Check student’s work on Nick V. last week. Choose 2 or 3 works to discuss with the class.

Clean Up and 回家功課 Homework Announcement (11:55-12:00)

Review Lesson 1 to Lesson 5 on Quizlet

Lesson 1: https://quizlet.com/14394181/flash-cards/

Lesson 2: https://quizlet.com/38172186/flash-cards/

Lesson 3: https://quizlet.com/38173332/flash-cards/

Lesson 4: https://quizlet.com/37032403/flash-cards/

Lesson 5: https://quizlet.com/38177465/flash-cards/