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April 23, 2016

重點學習Lesson Objectives:

ü  Listening and Speaking:  唐詩朗誦複習, 卡拉OK 練習

ü  Reading: 第七課課文

ü  Writing:  句型練習, 練字

唐詩詩圖講解和朗誦複習 (Tong Poem Illustration and Recitation Review) 9:30-9:50



認字練習 (Review Time!) 9:50 – 10:10

Quizlet and Flashcards


造句練習  (10:15 – 10:45)

Textbook Page 47 – Sentence Creation

1) Work on creating a “Word Bank” together first

2) Use the Word Bank to create new sentences modeling after the examples set out on page 47 – 48.

3) Summarize learning (學習重點)

第七課Exercise Book A & B (11:00-11:35)

Check for Lesson 5 and Lesson 6 Completion.

練字 (11:35 – 12:00)

Write every term 5 times.

(Optional Activity)

Vocabulary Review – PowerPoint

Lesson Plan: April 16, 2016

重點學習Lesson Objectives:

ü  Listening and Speaking:  唐詩朗誦複習

ü  Reading: 第七課課文

ü  Writing:  Keywords on Lesson 7

唐詩詩圖講解和朗誦複習 (Tong Poem Illustration and Recitation Review) 9:30-9:50




認字練習 (Review Time!) 9:50 – 10:10

Quizlet and Flashcards

第七課介紹 (10:15 – 10:45)

Lesson 7 Introduction and Context

Show students pictures and/or demonstration of “earth worms” (蚯蚓) , Garden (花園), 地震 (Earthquake), 皮膚 (Skin), 呼吸 (Breath)

解釋部首: “虫”

第七課課文解釋及朗誦 (11:00 – 11:25)



學生作品交流與分享(11:25- 11:55)

Check student’s work on Nick V. last week. Choose 2 or 3 works to discuss with the class.

Clean Up and 回家功課 Homework Announcement (11:55-12:00)

Review Lesson 1 to Lesson 5 on Quizlet

Lesson 1: https://quizlet.com/14394181/flash-cards/

Lesson 2: https://quizlet.com/38172186/flash-cards/

Lesson 3: https://quizlet.com/38173332/flash-cards/

Lesson 4: https://quizlet.com/37032403/flash-cards/

Lesson 5: https://quizlet.com/38177465/flash-cards/

二零一六年 四月九日

April 9th,  2016

重點學習Lesson Objectives:

ü  Listening and Speaking:  唐詩朗誦複習

ü  Reading: 生字複習 + 第六課生字

ü  Writing:  造句

唐詩詩圖講解和朗誦複習 (Tong Poem Illustration and Recitation Review) 9:30-9:50




認字練習 (Review Time!) 9:50 – 10:10

Curtain Game

第六課 Vocabulary (10:15 – 10:45) Break (10:45 – 11:15) Part II

Continue with Lesson 6 vocabulary – PowerPoint

生字運用練習 (11:15- 11:45)

Class will view the video on Nick Vujicic and write a paragraph consisting at least 50 words in Chinese. Use as many terms from our vocabulary list as possible.



Clean Up and 回家功課 Homework Announcement (11:45-12:00)

1. Ping Ying must be added to the first 100 words on our Vocabulary Chart

2. Finish Lesson 6 Workbook A + B

3. Finish the 50 words paragraph on Nick Vujicic

School Activities between now and June…

05/06 – 05/07  Final Evaluation  期末評量

05/13 – 05/14  Class Words Recognition Contest


05/27 – 05/28  School Words Recognition Contest


06/03 – 06/04  Happy Karaoke  歡樂KARAOKE

06/10 – 06/11  Graduation Ceremony  結業式

Vocabulary Review

Dear Students,

Be sure to write out the Ping-Yin for all the terms on our 150 Vocabulary.

Mr. Liu

The first 6 Unit Slides are available below:

Living Mandarin_Lesson 1

Living Mandarin_Lesson 2

Living Mandarin_Lesson 3

Living Mandarin_Lesson 4

20150109-10_Minghua_Lesson 5

20150123-24_Minghua_Lesson 6



四月二日 April 2nd, 2016

劉老師, 七年二班 Lesson Plan                                                                                    

重點學習Lesson Objectives:

ü  Listening and Speaking:  唐詩朗誦複習

ü  Reading:  生字複習 + 第六課生字

ü  Writing:  造句

唐詩詩圖講解和朗誦複習 (Tong Poem Illustration and Recitation Review) 9:30-9:50




認字練習 (Review Time!) 9:50 – 10:10

Flash card activity for first 40 words.

第六課 Vocabulary (10:15 – 10:45) Break (10:45 – 11:15)


第六課生字運用練習 (11:15- 11:45)

In this pair activity, students will use 5 new words to create a sentence.

Present the sentences to class.

Clean Up and 回家功課 Homework Announcement (11:45-12:00)

Finish Lesson 6 Workbook A + B

Contestants for the Writing Competition: Kaida, Cindy, and Kendra

Lesson Plan for February 27

重點學習Lesson Objectives:

Listening and Speaking:  語音強化

Reading:  生活禮儀

Writing:  第五課生字造詞練習

複習時間 (Review Time!) 9:30 – 10:10

1. Tong Poem Challenge!

Students are organized into groups of 4 or 5, each group practices to dictate Tang poems. 5 minutes later, all groups will take turn to dictate for the class

THREE top students will be selected to represent the class for Poem Memorization Contest.

2. Vocabulary Charade!

Play a game of charade. Vocabulary will be revealed to contestants with English translation, the class has to guess the current vocabulary or terms. Upon success or  failing to guess the right words, the card will be revealed to the class. One point for the team that gets the right words first.

第五課課文內容練習 (10:15 – 10:45)

Page 34: 生活禮儀

Students have to decipher the meaning of the paragraph by checking with the terms we learned during the previous lesson.

Page 35: 語音強化

Help students to get more comfortable with pronunciation by repetition and rhymes. Ask for volunteers to rhyme on their own.


Work Book A & B on Lesson Five.

Closing Encouragements (11:45 – 12:00)

People tend to learn best when they are interested and curious. In which ways am I interested and curious about my language and culture? Discuss.

Handout Self-Evaluation Rubric

Clean Up and 回家功課 Homework Announcement (11:45-12:00)

Study the first 60 on our vocabulary list.

Bring back Self-Evaluation Rubric

Supplementary Materials for February 20 Chinese Class

Dear students,

It was a pleasure seeing you all this morning, and it is so motivating to see how many of you are enjoying our Chinese lessons. 🙂

Just a reminder: We are going to recite the two Tang Poems (唐詩) as a class next week, and actually 3 people will be chosen to do them solo as well.

If you are interested to volunteer, please e-mail me at MingHua.Mr.Liu@gmail.com ^_^

Please see below for our lesson handouts:

1) 2015-2016 Vocabulary List:  20150918-19_七年級生字、生詞表

2) 兩首唐詩 (Two Tang Poems):



3) Song Translation: 茶米油鹽醬醋茶

Youtube Feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j52yrjyVo9E

4) As part of homework this week, please practice sentence creation using page 33 of the textbook.

Some examples we did in class are as follows:

如果沒有下雨, 怎麼會彩虹?

先有, 然後才有.

First we have…, and then we have…

先有學生, 然後才有學校.

First we have students, and then we have schools.


Have a great week! Blessings!~

Mr. Liu

February 20, 2016

劉老師, 七年二班 Lesson Plan                                                       

重點學習Lesson Objectives:

ü  Listening and Speaking:  小組討論

ü  Reading:  課文練習, 認字練習

ü  Writing:  第五課生字造詞練習

Hook:功課討論 (9:30 – 9:50)

“柴米油鹽醬醋茶”, translate the song into English.




第五課課文生字練習 (9:50 – 10:40)

PowerPoint for Lesson 5

Ask students to leave space after each word. Students are to compose phrases with the new words.

唐詩複習「送孟浩然之廣陵」、「渭城曲」   (10:40 – 10:45)

Poem Review

第五課複習: (11:00 – 11:30)

Textbook Reading and discussion


Quizlet Activity.

Clean Up and 回家功課 Homework Announcement (11:30-12:00)

Study the first 30 of our vocabulary list.

一月三十日 (January 30th, 2016) 歌唱學中文

重點學習Lesson Objectives:

Listening and Speaking:  會話, 歌唱學中文

Reading:  歌詞

Writing:  歌詞翻譯, 單字

Hook Activity: Introducing “Transition” 前進樂團 (9:30 – 9:50)

Intro. Video:

1. 對不起我的中文不好 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSjM_l2yv_U

2. “沒事嗎?Lost the way again?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AbUzmQ9iYs

Core Question: 中文不好沒關係, 我們可以怎樣把中文學好?

3. Sky Lantern 天燈 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XTBwvi0h2E

唐詩複習 (9:50-10:00)

Tong Poems Review

Grade 7 Vocabulary Review  and Pair Activity (10:00 – 10:25)

1. Check homework for “Pinyin”

2. Pair Activity: Each pair should create a dialogue using at least 10 words/terms from the vocabulary list.

3. Practice with a partner.


Presentation (10:25 – 10:45 / 11:00 – 11:15)

Group have to write out their vocabulary on the blackboard before presenting their dialogue

第五課課文和單字學習: (11:15 – 11:45)

Unit 5 PowerPoint Slides

第五課Workbook (11:45 – 12:00)

Unit 5: Workbook A + B

回家功課 (Homework)

1. Complete Unit 5 Workbook A and B

2. 回家聆聽一首歌:”柴米油鹽醬醋茶”, translate the song into English.


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