ehomework 春季 第十四週(5/15-5/21/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第十課 174-178 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets Lesson nine ,page 174-178 .


Please read textbooks one hundred two to one hundred five story and prepare to answer the following questions (select at least three questions to answer) and recording these chosen questions and answer with the whole sentences. Please try to recite all the answers before you will be recording .

1.中中和媽媽去哪買鳳梨? Where did Zhong-zhong  and Mom go to get the big pineapple?

2.玉米包餅是哪國的食物? The people of which country eat burritos most often?

3.哪國的人民最愛吃泡菜? The people of which country love kimchi?

4.中國在美洲還是亞洲? ? Is China in America or Asia?

5.大家帶的食物中都有一樣什麽東西? What was the common ingredient in every dish?

click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you to record and submit the ehomework.

(due time: 5/21/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第十二、三週(4/29-5/14/2016)

我們即將有兩個禮拜5/1和5/8中文學校課堂停課;所以我們這週有比較多的作業, 希望大家分配時間盡力完成。

Due to field day on Sunday(5/1) and Mothers’ Day (5/8) ,the class of  Chinese school will be closed these two Sunday, we will have a little more homework need to be finished this time.  I hope that you students can allocate the work and try your best to finish all the work.

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第十課 163-167;169-173;178-180;190 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets Lesson eight and nine ,

page 163-167;169-173;178-180;190.

2.請完成課本第九十六和九十七頁錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)


Please record all the text of book page 96-97;listen carefully of all pronunciation and tune.  Please practice more times after you speak fluently then do the recording.(due time 5/14 9:00 PM)

click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you to record and submit the ehomework.

(due time: 5/14/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第十一週(4/17-4/23/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第九課 150,156-160,162 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets Lesson nine ,page 150,156-160,162 .


Please read textbooks ninety-two to ninety-five story and prepare to answer the following questions (select at least three questions to answer) and recording these chosen questions and answer with the whole sentences. Please try to recite all the answers before you will be recording .

1.青青為什麼要送媽媽禮物? Why did Qing-qing give Mom a present?

2.青青寫給媽媽的第一封信放在哪裡?Where did Qing-qing put the first letter for her Mom?

3.青青把西遊記放在哪裡?Where did Qing-qing put the book”A journey to the West” ?

4.媽媽在哪裡找到禮物? ?Where did Mom find her present?

5.為什麼媽媽說,有錢也買不到這個禮物?Why did Mom day that this present can’t be bought with all the money in the world?

click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you to record and submit the ehomework.

(due time: 4/23/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第十週(4/10-4/16/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第九課 151-155;161-162 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 151-155;161-162  .

2.請完成課本第九十和九十一頁錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)


Please record the sentences of text book page 90-91;listen carefully of all pronunciation and tune.  Please practice more times after you speak fluently then do the recording.

SENTENCES Lesson Nine-2

4.try to record before Saturday (4/16 9:00 PM); Thnaks!

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher




ehomework 春季 第九週(3/20-4/9/2016)

我們即將有兩個禮拜春假休息;3/27和4/3中文學校停課;所以我們這週有比較多的作業, 希望大家分配時間盡力完成。並且希望大家享受快樂的春假!

Due to Easter Sunday(03/27) and spring break (4/3) ,the Chinese school will be closed these two Sunday, we will have a little more homework need to be finished this time.  I hope that you students can allocate the work and try your best to finish all the work and also wish everyone having great spring break!

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第八、九課 121-124,132-144,145-149 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets Lesson eight and nine ,page 121-124, 132-144, 145-149.


Please read textbooks eighty-two to eighty-five story and prepare to answer the following questions (select at least three questions to answer) and recording these chosen questions and answers with the whole sentences. Please try to recite all the answers before you are recording .

1.老闆說哪隻鸚鵡要賣多少錢? How much did the parrot cost according to the pet shop’s owner?

2.明明銀行裡存有多少錢?How much money did Ming-ming have in her bank account?

3.明明還需要多少錢才能買到那隻鸚鵡?How much more money did Ming-ming need to purchase the parrot ?

4.明明的檸檬汁一共賣了多少錢?How much did Ming-ming make from selling the lemonade ?

5.明明為什麼給鸚鵡取名Lemonade?Why did Ming-ming name her parrot “Lemonade”?

click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you to record and submit the ehomework.

(due time: 4/09/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第八週(3/13-3/19/2016)


Please finish the sheets of mid-term quiz that you brought home ; we will have this quiz done one more time, no opening book on Sunday.

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第八課 133-137 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 133-137.

2.請完成課本第七十九和八十頁錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)


Please refer to the following link; listen carefully of pronunciation and tone; recording after you speak fluently.

Please record the text book page 79、80, click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you recording and submitting the ehomework. (due time: 3/19/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論 my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第七週(3/6-3/12/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第七、八課 120,124-126,127-131 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 120,124-126,127-131 頁.


Please read textbooks seventy-six and seventy-seven story and prepare to answer the following questions (select at least three questions to answer) and recording these chosen questions and answers with the whole sentences. Please try to recite all the answers before you are recording .

1.友友的爺爺怎麼了? What happened to You-you’s grandpa?

2.醫生要爺爺做什麼? What did the doctor instruct grandpa to do?

3.友友怎麼幫助爺爺練習說話?How did You-you help grandpa practice talking?

4.友友怎麼幫助爺爺練習走路?How did You-you help grandpa practice walking?

5.爺爺好了,為什麼友友最高興?Why was You-you the most happy person when grandpa fully recovered?

click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you to record and submit the ehomework.

(due time: 3/12/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第六週(2/28-3/5/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第七課 115-119 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 115-119 .

2.請完成課本第六十七頁課文錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)

Please record the text book page 67, click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you recording and submitting the ehomework. Please try to recite all of the text before recording .(due time: 3/5/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論 my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第五週(2/21-2/27/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第七課 109-113頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 109-113 .

2.請完成課本第六十八,六十九頁課文錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)

Please record the text  book page 68/69 sentences total have eight sentences , click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you recording and submitting the ehomework. Please try to recite all of the text before recording .(due time: 2/27/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論 my recording and comment from teacher