
銘華中文學校七年三班的學生,一月三十一日就是農曆新年初一,也是馬年。本周回家作業是練習說馬年吉祥話,和練習唱歌「老鼠愛大米」、「蝸牛與黃鸝鳥」。同學們可以運用這裡的附加檔案「吉祥話」和「歌詞」練習。20140118_The Auspious Words of the Horse Year_馬年吉祥話.doc20140112_老鼠愛大米&蝸牛與黃鸝鳥.doc241511-蝸牛與黃鸝鳥(中文加拼音版).wmv241513-Lao Shu Ai Da Mi(拼音版).wmv



Dear students of Grade 7-3 in Minghua. January 31 is the first day of the Year of the Horse. The homework for this week is to practice the auspicious words of Year of the Horse in speaking and practice singing the songs “Mice love rice” and “The snail & the orioles”. The files are attached below for you to review. 20140118_The Auspious Words of the Horse Year_馬年吉祥話.doc20140112_老鼠愛大米&蝸牛與黃鸝鳥.doc241511-蝸牛與黃鸝鳥(中文加拼音版).wmv241513-Lao Shu Ai Da Mi(拼音版).wmv  


In addition, we will have a Chinese New Year carnival in the gym on February 1. Please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to the school on that day, because boots are not allowed in the gym. Please do not bring any precious items to the carnival as well. Please wear the traditional Chinese dress at the carnival on February 1 as far as possible.


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