






Click to record


錄完時Click to Stop,畫面會出現RetryListen


如果滿意請按Click here to save

可以看到Sharing to options,再按下email



Dear students of Grade 7-3 in Minghua. The purpose of your homework this week is to practice your pronunciations. 

Please read the title (Which came first? the chicken or the eggs?) of Lesson 5 (the page 31) in Living Mandarin and record it on the website at http://vocaroo.com, then send it to me by March 1 (this Saturday)


Here are the steps.  

Please go to the website http://vocaroo.com.

Click “Click to record”.

Click the box of 「允許」on the left of the pop window to start recording.

After you finish recording, click “Click to stop”, it will show “Retry” & “Listen”.

You may click “Listen” to review your recording. If you don’t like it, click “Retry”.

If you are OK with your recording, click “Click here to save”.

You will see “Sharing to options”, and then click “email” on the right box.

Please input my email address gotrainset@hotmail.com.

Your recording will be sent to me.



銘華中文學校七年三班的學生,二月八日第五課的教學投影片在此20140208_Minghua.ppt,提供同學們複習用;到五月初之前,每次上課都會練習唱歌「老鼠愛大米」、「蝸牛與黃鸝鳥」,同學們可以運用這裡的附加檔案練習241513-Lao Shu Ai Da Mi(拼音版).wmv241511-蝸牛與黃鸝鳥(中文加拼音版).wmv。二月十五日是「家庭日」的長周末,我們不上課,下次上課時間是二月廿二日。

Dear students of Grade 7-3 in Minghua. I attached the file of lesson 5 20140208_Minghua.pptfor your review. We will keep practicing to sing the songs “Mice love rice” and “The snail & the orioles” until the beginning of May. I attached the files of the two songs 241513-Lao Shu Ai Da Mi(拼音版).wmv241511-蝸牛與黃鸝鳥(中文加拼音版).wmvfor you to practice as well. Please do enjoy the family day in this upcoming long weekend. See you next week on Feb. 22.


20140112_老鼠愛大米&蝸牛與黃鸝鳥.doc241513-Lao Shu Ai Da Mi(拼音版).wmv241511-蝸牛與黃鸝鳥(中文加拼音版).wmv銘華中文學校七年三班的學生,二月八日我們要開始第五課的教學,同時在課堂上還會繼續練習唱歌「老鼠愛大米」、「蝸牛與黃鸝鳥」,同學們可以運用這裡的附加檔案「歌詞」練習。


Dear students of Grade 7-3 in Minghua. This week we are going to start exploring Lesson Five! Don’t forget to practice the songs “Mice love rice” and “The snail & the orioles” for the upcoming class on February 8. Below, I attached the files of the two songs for you guys to practice20140112_老鼠愛大米&蝸牛與黃鸝鳥.doc. 241513-Lao Shu Ai Da Mi(拼音版).wmvS241511-蝸牛與黃鸝鳥(中文加拼音版).wmvee you this week!