


20141129日的回家作業,要請同學修正考試中的錯誤,補寫正確的答案,並請把考試卷拿給父母親簽名。考試中,十七支影片相關字詞的ppt如下20141128_Video Answers.ppt,同學可以點閱複習。




缺考: 2


100分以上: 2


99~90: 3


89~80: 3


79~70: 12


69~60: 9




Dear Minghua Saturday Grade 7-1 students,


The homework for this week (November 29th) is to correct the mistakes in your assessment. Please hand your assessment sheet to your parents for signatures. In addition, here are all the vocabularies20141128_Video Answers.ppt that are related to the 17 videos in the assessment. You might be interested in reviewing them.


According to the YRDSB policy, oral is 60%, reading and writing are 40% in total for grade 7 students. Regarding the mid-term assessment, here are the score statistics for the class.


Absent: 2


Above 100: 2


99~90: 3


89~80: 3


79~70: 12


69~60: 9


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