

2015110日的回家作業,請各位同學寫出對上課時,播放「中文幫助我在紐約找到工作」錄音中文幫助我在紐約找到工作.mp3Mandarin benefits me to get a job in New York.ppt的心得與想法,字數至少100字,各位同學的作業如果能用手寫最好,老師鼓勵同學多練習書寫文字,請記得要定個題目、分段,在作業上寫上自己的名字,請在下一次上課(117日)時交給老師。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week (January 10th) is to write a reflection on the recording “Mandarin benefits me to get a job in New York”.中文幫助我在紐約找到工作.mp3Mandarin benefits me to get a job in New York.ppt 100 words is the minimum for this reflection. Please have a topic, separate paragraphs, and your name on your reflection. I highly encourage you to complete this reflection by hand. Please hand in your reflection next week on January 17.

Again, please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to school in case of snowing. For safety reasons, boots are not allowed in the classroom.    


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