

2015227日的回家作業,請同學看一支沒有字幕的影片https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HiUMlOz4UQ,看完後請手寫一篇至少100字的作文,寫出影片的意思或看後的心得與想法,最重要的,請盡量從學過的150個字中248688-20140412_150 Key Words.ppt20141212_七年級生字、生詞表.doc,運用學過的字彙寫這篇作文,運用的字彙愈多愈好,但文章必須是有意義的,不能前後不連貫;此外。作文必須要有題目、分段落、每段最前面空一格。



Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Friday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week (February 27th) is to write an article or reflection of at least 100 words based on a BBC video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HiUMlOz4UQ Please apply the vocabulary you learned in class (150 words)248688-20140412_150 Key Words.ppt 20141212_七年級生字、生詞表.docas many as you can, and the more the better. Your article or reflection has to have appropriate paragraphs; don’t mix different ideas into one paragraph, and make sure that it has organized thoughts. It must have a topic which is consistent throughout the entire article or reflection. Also, make sure that each paragraph is indented.

Regarding the competition of the poems of Tang dynasty, the results come after a 3 rounded competition. The first, second and third awards go to Dylan Kang, Even Qi and Jonathan Xu. The standards of this competition included the pronunciation of the words, expression of the tones, expression of feelings (not monotone), facial expression, and the overall performance. Anyways, each student truly lived up and even more to my expectations, as I am happy to say that I am very proud of each and every one of you. Great job to everyone!

In addition, please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to school in case of snowing. For safety reasons, boots are not allowed in the classroom.

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