

2015328日的回家作業,請寫完生活學華語第七課Workbook A & B。

附上328日所上第七課「爬出泥土的蚯蚓(上)」教材的ppt20150227-0306_Living Mandarin_Lesson 7.ppt,以及復活節20150327_Easter.doc相關單字的ppt20150327_Easter.ppt,有興趣的同學可以再重新點閱複習。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week (March 28th) is to complete lesson 7, Workbook A & B.

Here are the ppt. for Lesson 7 “The earthworms climb out of the soil” 20150227-0306_Living Mandarin_Lesson 7.pptfrom March 28 and the ppt.20150327_Easter.ppt for Easter.20150327_Easter.doc In case you are interested in reviewing them.

The following week is Easter Break, so there is no class. The first class after the break is on April 11.  

7 thoughts on “銘華中文學校周六/七年一班2015年3月28日回家作業


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