


請各位同學複習猴年吉祥話20160129-30_The Auspious Words of the Monkey Year_猴年吉祥話,並多練習寫「春」字和「福」字。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua. Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week (Jan. 29th) is to write a minimum 50 words article in handwriting. The topic is “My Family”. Please APPLY the vocabulary that you have learnt throughout lesson 1 to lesson 6. The more the better! Drawing pictures will get bonus. Please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your article and hand in your article to the teacher next week. (February 5th)

Please review the “Auspicious words of year of the Monkey”20160129-30_The Auspious Words of the Monkey Year_猴年吉祥話 and practice writing the word of and .

In addition, we will have a Chinese New Year carnival in the gym on February 5th. Please be advised that you have to bring your indoor shoes to the school on that day, because boots are not allowed in the gym. Please do not bring any precious items to the carnival as well. Please wear the traditional Chinese dress at the carnival on February 5th as far as possible. Please bring a bag for your prizes.


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