








Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday at Minghua. Welcome to my blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week is to review two Tang poems that we learned in class. (「送孟浩然之廣陵https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKsMZuvA_Jc、「渭城曲https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2uZK2aEHWM)。

After reviewing the poems, please write your own story according to the STURCTURE OF THE POEM.

Like this: The first sentence of “Sòng mèng hào rán zhī guǎng líng” is “My old friend and I part at Crane Tower, and he is heading west.” For example, “my old friend” could be replaced by “my mom, my dad, brothers, sisters or any PERSON”. “He is heading west” could be replaced by “he/she is heading east, south, north, upside down” or any DIRECTION. “Crane Tower” could be “CN Tower, city hall, metro hall, Markham theatre” or any BUILDINGS/LOCATIONS.

Please be creative and make your story make sense. You will get bonus marks if you do two poems or draw pictures for your story. I encourage you to complete the assignment by hand. Please hand it in next class.

There is no class the following week. It is a long weekend due to Thanksgiving. Classes will commend on October 15th


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