

本周回家作業共有兩項。第一、請更正前次在課堂上的聽寫練習;第二,請儘量運用第二課(第二課ppt在此Living Mandarin – Lesson 2)學過的字彙,以手寫方式寫成一篇一百字以內的短文,並在運用的字彙下方劃線,請記得短文要定題目、分段,在作業上寫上自己的名字,請在下一次上課時(十一月五日)交給老師。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua. 

There are two assignments for this week. First, please correct your dictation sheet that we did last class. Secondly, please write an article (around 100 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 2 (This is the ppt of lesson 2.Living Mandarin – Lesson 2) as many as you can. Please have a topic, separate paragraphs, your name on it, and make sure it makes sense. In addition, please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your article. The article is due next week. (November 5th)


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