

本周回家作業,要請同學寫完第三課和第四課的Workbook A & B。 

本周上課學的是第五課,第五課的字詞ppt在此Lesson 5,請有興趣的同學可以點閱複習。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」. 

Please complete Workbook A and Workbook B of Lesson 3 & 4, Living Mandarin.

Students learned lesson 5 this week. Please click lesson 5 ppt.Lesson 5 in case of students would like to review it.

4 thoughts on “銘華中文學校周五/七年一班2016年12月9日回家作業


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