

本周回家作業,要完成兩首唐詩的「口袋書」Two Poems – Grade 7,請依照摺紙說明完成後Two Poems – Grade 7 – Folding Instructions,依照英文寫下對應的唐詩字句和拼音,如畫插圖、另有加分,「口袋書」作業請在三月四日下次上課時交給老師。  


第八課的字詞ppt在此,Living Mandarin – Lesson 8 請有興趣的同學可以點閱複習。 


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week is to fold the “pocket book of two Tang poems”.Two Poems – Grade 7 Please follow the folding instructions of pocket book to complete it,Two Poems – Grade 7 – Folding Instructions and write down the Chinese sentences matching English on each page of the pocket book. It will be bonus for drawing the extra pictures on the pocket book. 

We are going to have a contest of reciting the two poems of Tang dynasty (送孟浩然之廣陵http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm渭城曲http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm) in our class next class on March 4th. Please do memorize two poems of Tang dynasty.   

Here is the ppt of lesson 8 Living Mandarin – Lesson 8 in case you are interested in reviewing them. 



本周回家作業,要完成兩首唐詩的「口袋書」Two Poems – Grade 7,請依照摺紙說明完成後Two Poems – Grade 7 – Folding Instructions,依照英文寫下對應的唐詩字句和拼音,如畫插圖、另有加分,「口袋書」作業請在三月三日下次上課時交給老師。 


第八課的字詞ppt在此Living Mandarin – Lesson 8,請有興趣的同學可以點閱複習。 


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week is to fold the “pocket book of two Tang poems”.Two Poems – Grade 7 Please follow the folding instructions of pocket book to complete it, Two Poems – Grade 7 – Folding Instructions and write down the Chinese sentences matching English on each page of the pocket book. It will be bonus for drawing the extra pictures on the pocket book.

We are going to have a contest of reciting the two poems of Tang dynasty (送孟浩然之廣陵http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm渭城曲)http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm) in our class next class on March 3th. Please do memorize two poems of Tang dynasty.   

Here is the ppt of lesson 8 Living Mandarin – Lesson 8 in case you are interested in reviewing them. 

七年一班「石子、柿子、獅子、蝨子」發音練習優秀作品 – Best Work








七年一班「雞年吉祥話」優秀作品 – Best Work

「雞年吉祥話」朗讀優秀作品 – Auspicious Words of Year of the Rooster, Reading, Best Work








第七課的字詞ppt在此Living Mandarin – Lesson 7,請有興趣的同學可以點閱複習。 



Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

The assignment for this week (Feb. 11th) is to read and record the tongue twister (4 sentences) on page 47. Please go on the website at http://vocaroo.com, and record it, then sends it to the teacher by Feb. 16. (Thursday) 

Here is the ppt of lesson 7 Living Mandarin – Lesson 7 in case you are interested in reviewing them. 

February 20th is Family Day. There is no class on February 18. February 25th will be the next class. See you then.




第七課的字詞ppt在此Living Mandarin – Lesson 7,請有興趣的同學可以點閱複習。 



Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week (Feb. 10th) is to read and record the tongue twister (4 sentences) on page 47. Please go on the website at http://vocaroo.com, and record it, then sends it to the teacher by Feb. 16. (Thursday)

Here is the ppt of lesson 7 Living Mandarin – Lesson 7 in case you are interested in reviewing them. 

February 20th is Family Day. There is no class on February 17. February 24th will be the next class. See you then.




四日上課學完第六課,第六課ppt在此Lesson 6,有興趣複習的同學可以點閱複習。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua. 

The assignment for this week is to write an article (around 50 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 6 as many as you can, and make sure that it makes sense. Please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your article. The article is due next week. (Feb. 11th

Here is lesson 6 ppt Lesson 6 that we learned on Feb. 4. In case of you would like to review it. 




三日上課學完第六課,第六課ppt在此Lesson 6,有興趣複習的同學可以點閱複習。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Friday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week is to write an article (around 50 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 6 as many as you can, and make sure that it makes sense. Please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your article. The article is due next week. (Feb. 10th

Here is lesson 6 ppt Lesson 6 that we learned on Feb. 3. In case of you would like to review it.