

回家作業要請大家以「全力以赴」(Do Your Best)為題,請盡量選用第一課到第十課所學過的字詞,以手寫方式寫成一篇五十字以內的短文,並在運用的字彙下方劃線,請在下一堂課上課時交給老師。 


缺席或有興趣復習的同學,可以點選第九課Lesson 9、第十課Lesson 10字詞的投影片。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week (April 29th) is to write an article (around 50 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 1 to lesson 10 as many as you can, and make sure that it makes sense. The topic of your article is “Do Your Best”. Please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your article. The article is due next class. 

In addition, please review 150 words. We will have a contest for recognizing 150 words next class.(https://quizlet.com/minghuams1/folders/29282492/sets)。

If you were absent or interested in reviewing lesson 9 Lesson 9 & 10 Lesson 10, please click the powerpoint to review it. 



回家作業要請大家把歌曲「你怎麼說」(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug_thqI47xk)的歌詞你怎麼說 lyrics抄寫一次,作業請在下次上課時交給老師。 


缺席或有興趣復習的同學,可以點選第九課Lesson 9、第十課Lesson 10字詞的投影片。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week (April 28th) is to copy the lyrics 你怎麼說 lyrics of the song “你怎麼說”. 」(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug_thqI47xk) Please hand it in to the teacher next class. 

In addition, please review 150 words. We will have a contest for recognizing 150 words next class.(https://quizlet.com/minghuams1/folders/29282492/sets)。

If you were absent or interested in reviewing lesson 9 Lesson 9 & 10 Lesson 10, please click the powerpoint to review it. 







此外,第九課生字詞在此Living Mandarin – Lesson 9,提供有興趣未出席同學複習。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday at Minghua. Welcome to my blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week is to understand two Tang poems that we learned in class. (「送孟浩然之廣陵http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm、「渭城曲http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm)。

After understanding the poems, please write the farewell and blessing words to grade 8 students (Because they are going to graduate from Ming-hua Mandarin school this June) according to the STURCTURE OF THE POEM. 

Like this: The first sentence of “Sòng mèng hào rán zhī guǎng líng” is “My old friend and I part at Crane Tower, and he is heading west.” For example, “my old friend” could be replaced by “Grade 8 students or any PERSON”. “He is heading west” could be replaced by “they are going to graduate this June” or any DIRECTION. “Crane Tower” could be from “Ming-hua Mandarin school” or any BUILDINGS/LOCATIONS.

Please be creative and make the farewell and blessing words make sense. You will get bonus marks if you do two poems or draw pictures for your story. I encourage you to complete the assignment by hand. Please hand it in next class.

In addition, here is the ppt. of lesson 9.Living Mandarin – Lesson 9 Please review it if you are interested or you were absent.







此外,第九課生字詞在此Living Mandarin – Lesson 9,提供有興趣未出席同學複習。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday at Minghua. Welcome to my blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week is to understand two Tang poems that we learned in class. (「送孟浩然之廣陵http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm、「渭城曲http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm)。

After understanding the poems, please write the farewell and blessing words to grade 8 students (Because they are going to graduate from Ming-hua Mandarin school this June) according to the STURCTURE OF THE POEM. 

Like this: The first sentence of “Sòng mèng hào rán zhī guǎng líng” is “My old friend and I part at Crane Tower, and he is heading west.” For example, “my old friend” could be replaced by “Grade 8 students or any PERSON”. “He is heading west” could be replaced by “they are going to graduate this June” or any DIRECTION. “Crane Tower” could be from “Ming-hua Mandarin school” or any BUILDINGS/LOCATIONS. 

Please be creative and make the farewell and blessing words make sense. You will get bonus marks if you do two poems or draw pictures for your story. I encourage you to complete the assignment by hand. Please hand it in next class.

In addition, here is the ppt. of lesson 9.Living Mandarin – Lesson 9 Please review it if you are interested or you were absent.



四月八日的回家作業,要請大家從拿到的Eastern egg裡面有張字條,是上課時學過的生字,請把字條上的中文句子、拼音和英文抄寫一次。作業請在下次上課時交給老師。本周沒有上課的同學,請從所附的一頁教材中20170407-08 – Easter,選擇一句話抄寫。

下學期(八年級)的就學報名表已經發給大家,請將報名表拿給家長,並在填寫後,務必在下次上課時交給老師。根據學校規定,報名表上的OEN number請一定要填寫,家長可在日間學校的成績單上查到OEN Number;請交註冊費十元,只收現金、不收支票。 


下周是Easter Break不上課,下次上課的時間是四月二十二日。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week (April 8th) is to copy the words of the slip inside the Easter egg that you got it before the class dismissed. Please copy it in Chinese, pinyin and English and hand it in to the teacher next class. If you were absent, please copy any one of the sentences on the following one page material. 20170407-08 – Easter

The registration form for next semester (grade 8) had been delivered. Please present it to parents, fill it out, and hand it back to the teacher next class. According to the school’s instructions, the OEN number must be filled out. Parents can find the OEN number on the student’s day school report card. Currently, the school is only collecting $10 (registration fee), CASH only.

Please be advised if you are students of TDSB, TCDSB,YRCDSB, private school or home school (non-YRDSB students), please ask parents to prepare documentation of Canadian for students and directly register with site administrator at the office during the school time. 

We don’t have class next week because of Easter Break. The next class will be on April 22.



四月七日的回家作業,要請大家從拿到的Eastern egg裡面有張字條,是上課時學過的生字,請把字條上的中文句子、拼音和英文抄寫一次。作業請在下次上課時交給老師。本周沒有上課的同學,請從所附的一頁教材中20170407-08 – Easter,選擇一句話抄寫。

下學期(八年級)的就學報名表已經發給大家,請將報名表拿給家長,並在填寫後,務必在下次上課時交給老師。根據學校規定,報名表上的OEN number請一定要填寫,家長可在日間學校的成績單上查到OEN Number;請交註冊費十元,只收現金、不收支票。


下周是Easter Break不上課,下次上課的時間是四月二十一日。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua. 

The assignment for this week (April 7th) is to copy the words of the slip inside theEaster egg that you got it before the class dismissed. Please copy it in Chinese, pinyin and English and hand it in to the teacher next class. If you were absent, please copy any one of the sentences on the following one page material. 20170407-08 – Easter   

The registration form for next semester (grade 8) had been delivered. Please present it to parents, fill it out, and hand it back to the teacher next class. According to the school’s instructions, the OEN number must be filled out. Parents can find the OEN number on the student’s day school report card. Currently, the school is only collecting $10 (registration fee), CASH only.

Please be advised if you are students of TDSB, TCDSB,YRCDSB, private school or home school (non-YRDSB students), please ask parents to prepare documentation of Canadian for students and directly register with site administrator at the office during the school time. 

We don’t have class next week because of Easter Break. The next class will be on April 21.




下學期(八年級)的就學報名表已經在三月廿五日發給大家,請將報名表拿給家長,並在填寫後,在下次上課時交給老師。根據學校規定,報名表上的OEN number請一定要填寫,家長可在日間學校的成績單上查到OEN Number;請交註冊費十元,只收現金、不收支票。



Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week (April 1th) is to make a list of your top 3 challenging/difficult words from 150 words. Please write down them and make a sentence for each of them.  The homework should be handed in next week.

The registration form for next semester (grade 8) had been delivered to you. Please present it to your parents, fill it out, and hand it back to the teacher next week. According to the school’s instructions, the OEN number must be filled out. Parents can find the OEN number on the student’s day school report card. Currently, the school is only collecting $10 (registration fee), CASH only.

Please be advised if your child studies at TDSB, TCDSB,YRCDSB, private school or home school (non-YRDSB students), parents please prepare documentation of Canadian for your child and directly register with site administrator at the office during the school time.




下學期(八年級)的就學報名表已經在三月三十一日發給大家,請將報名表拿給家長,並在填寫後,在下次上課時交給老師。根據學校規定,報名表上的OEN number請一定要填寫,家長可在日間學校的成績單上查到OEN Number請交註冊費十元,只收現金、不收支票。



Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

The assignment for this week (March 31th) is to make a list of your top 3 challenging/difficult words from 150 words. Please write down them and make a sentence for each of them.  The homework should be handed in next week. 

The registration form for next semester (grade 8) had been delivered to you. Please present it to your parents, fill it out, and hand it back to the teacher next week. According to the school’s instructions, the OEN number must be filled out. Parents can find the OEN number on the student’s day school report card. Currently, the school is only collecting $10 (registration fee), CASH only.

Please be advised if your child studies at TDSB, TCDSB,YRCDSB, private school or home school (non-YRDSB students), parents please prepare documentation of Canadian for your child and directly register with site administrator at the office during the school time.