

本周回家作業就是複習下周要考試的內容,包括:第一課字詞https://quizlet.com/198080716/flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161109773/lesson-one-flash-cards/和課文、第二課字詞https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/和課文;兩首唐詩「送孟浩然之廣陵」http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm和「渭城曲」http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm);補充教材「好想你」好想你 – Miss you much – Lyricshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdQgPu3iUYkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1MaJ6xX-s)、「加拿大國歌(中文版)National Anthem in Mandarin (lyrics)、「Despacito」一步步靠近 – Despacito – lyricshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKTS95KOrOI等三首歌歌詞。




Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua.

The homework for this week is to review for the exam next week. Please review lesson 1 vocabulary(https://quizlet.com/198080716/flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161109773/lesson-one-flash-cards/)and text, lesson 2 vocabulary(https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/) and text. Please review two poems 「送孟浩然之廣陵」(http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm) and 「渭城曲」(http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm). Please review the songs, “Miss you very much”好想你 – Miss you much – Lyricshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdQgPu3iUYkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1MaJ6xX-s)、“National Anthem” in Mandarin National Anthem in Mandarin (lyrics)、“Despacito” in Mandarin 一步步靠近 – Despacito – lyrics (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKTS95KOrOI)etc.

The mid-term assessment will be held next week (November 25). There are four sections including listening, speaking, reading and writing. The mid-term assessment will be starting at 9:30 am with a video listening test, followed by reading, speaking and writing until 12:00 pm. Recess is from 10:45 am to 11:00 am. Please be on time next week at 9:30 am for the assessment. Please bring crayon and dictionary. You can use a dictionary during the assessment, but cell phone, internet, Google translate etc. are not allowed at any time during the assessment.

Regarding “Speaking” test, please choose any one of three songs (“Miss you very much”, “National Anthem” in Mandarin, “Despacito”in Mandarin) to sing in class. The more songs you sing, the more points you will get. You could sing by yourself, work in pairs or in a group (max. 3 people). You will get bonus as well if you sing songs with bringing your instrument to play or by any creative ways.



本周回家作業就是複習下周要考試的內容,包括:第一課字詞https://quizlet.com/198080716/flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161109773/lesson-one-flash-cards/和課文、第二課字詞https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/和課文;兩首唐詩「送孟浩然之廣陵」http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm和「渭城曲」http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm;補充教材「好想你」好想你 – Miss you much – Lyricshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdQgPu3iUYkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1MaJ6xX-s)、「加拿大國歌(中文版)」National Anthem in Mandarin (lyrics)、「Despacito」一步步靠近 – Despacito – lyricshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKTS95KOrOI等三首歌歌詞。




Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Friday in Minghua.

The homework for this week is to review for the exam next week. Please review lesson 1 vocabulary(https://quizlet.com/198080716/flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161109773/lesson-one-flash-cards/)and text, lesson 2 vocabulary(https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/) and text. Please review two poems 「送孟浩然之廣陵」http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/14new.htm) and 「渭城曲」http://media.huayuworld.org/culture/topic/03html/34new.htm). Please review the songs, “Miss you very much”好想你 – Miss you much – Lyricshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdQgPu3iUYkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK1MaJ6xX-s)、“National Anthem” in Mandarin National Anthem in Mandarin (lyrics)、“Despacito” in Mandarin一步步靠近 – Despacito – lyrics etc. 

The mid-term assessment will be held next week (November 24). There are four sections including listening, speaking, reading and writing. The mid-term assessment will be starting at 6:00 pm with a video listening test, followed by reading, speaking and writing until 8:30 pm. Recess is from 7:15 pm to 7:30 pm. Please be on time next week at 6:00 pm for the assessment. Please bring crayon and dictionary. You can use a dictionary during the assessment, but cell phone, internet, Google translate etc. are not allowed at any time during the assessment.

Regarding “Speaking” test, please choose any one of three songs (“Miss you very much”, “National Anthem” in Mandarin, “Despacito”in Mandarin) to sing in class. The more songs you sing, the more points you will get. You could sing by yourself, work in pairs or in a group (max. 3 people). You will get bonus as well if you sing songs with bringing your instrument to play or by any creative ways.




有興趣複習第二課Living Mandarin – Lesson 2的同學,可到網站https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/分別點選Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity,以遊戲方式複習第二課的發音和認字。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Saturday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week is to write an article (at least 50 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 2 as many as you can. The topic is “The Little Chef”. Please have the article with separate paragraphs, put on your name on it, and make sure it makes sense. In addition, please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your handwriting article. The article is due next week. (November 18th)

In addition, if you are interested in reviewing lesson 2, Living Mandarin – Lesson 2 please click the website link https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/, and then click Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity individually to play the game. The game can help you to recognize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation.




有興趣複習第二課Living Mandarin – Lesson 2的同學,可到網站https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/,分別點選Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity,以遊戲方式複習第二課的發音和認字。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 of Friday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week is to write an article (at least 50 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 2 as many as you can. The topic is “The Little Chef”. Please have the article with separate paragraphs, put on your name on it, and make sure it makes sense. In addition, please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your handwriting article. The article is due next week. (November 17th)

In addition, if you are interested in reviewing lesson 2 Living Mandarin – Lesson 2, please click the website link https://quizlet.com/161116569/lesson-two-flash-cards/, and then click Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity individually to play the game. The game can help you to recognize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation.



十一月四日的回家作業,請同學寫完第一課Workbook A & B。

有關四日上課所學第二課的字詞和發音,有興趣的同學請到網站https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/分別點選Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity,復習十一月四日所學第二課字詞的發音和認字


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua.

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

Please complete Workbook A and Workbook B of Lesson 1, Living Mandarin. 

Please click the website link https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/, and then click Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity individually to review the vocabulary of lesson 2 that we learn on November 4. That can help you to recognize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation.



十一月三日的回家作業,請同學寫完第一課Workbook A & B。

有關三日上課所學第二課的字詞和發音,有興趣的同學請到網站https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/分別點選Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity,復習十一月三日所學第二課字詞的發音和認字。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

Please complete Workbook A and Workbook B of Lesson 1, Living Mandarin.

Please click the website link https://quizlet.com/198081156/living-mandarin-lesson-2-flash-cards/, and then click Learn, Flashcards, Match, Gravity individually to review the vocabulary of lesson 2 that we learn on November 3. That can help you to recognize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation.