

廿七日回家作業,請唸狗年吉祥話 Auspicious Words of year of the Dog ,並在二月一日(周四)前,把錄音寄給老師。




Click to record


“Use your camera and microphone”按「Allow」之後開始錄音;

錄完時Click to Stop,畫面會出現RetryListen


如果滿意請按Click here to save

可以看到Sharing to options,再按下email




Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday at Minghua. Welcome to my blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」. 

The assignment for this week is to read and record the “auspicious words of year of the Dog” Auspicious Words of year of the Dog on the website at http://vocaroo.com, then send it to me by February 1. (Thursday)

In addition, you can review vocabulary of lesson 4 by clicking https://quizlet.com/161526686/lesson-four-flash-cards/.

Here are the steps. 

Please go to the website http://vocaroo.com.

Click “Click to record”.

Click the box of 「允許」on the left of the pop window to start recording.

After you finish recording, click “Click to stop”, it will show “Retry” & “Listen”.

You may click “Listen” to review your recording. If you don’t like it, click “Retry”.

If you are OK with your recording, click “Click here to save”.

You will see “Sharing to options”, and then click “email” on the right box.

Please input my email address gotrainset@gmail.com.

Your recording will be sent to your teacher.



廿六日回家作業,請唸狗年吉祥話 Auspicious Words of year of the Dog,並在二月一日(周四)前,把錄音寄給老師。




按Click to record;


在“Use your camera and microphone”按「Allow」之後開始錄音;

錄完時Click to Stop,畫面會出現RetryListen


如果滿意請按Click here to save

可以看到Sharing to options,再按下email




Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday at Minghua. Welcome to my blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」. 

The assignment for this week is to read and record the “auspicious words of year of the Dog” Auspicious Words of year of the Dog on the website at http://vocaroo.com, then send it to me by February 1. (Thursday) 

In addition, you can review vocabulary of lesson 4 by clicking https://quizlet.com/161526686/lesson-four-flash-cards/.

Here are the steps.

Please go to the website http://vocaroo.com.

Click “Click to record”.

Click the box of 「允許」on the left of the pop window to start recording.

After you finish recording, click “Click to stop”, it will show “Retry” & “Listen”.

You may click “Listen” to review your recording. If you don’t like it, click “Retry”.

If you are OK with your recording, click “Click here to save”.

You will see “Sharing to options”, and then click “email” on the right box.

Please input my email address gotrainset@gmail.com.

Your recording will be sent to your teacher.





另外,「2018年加拿大多倫多地區兒童華語文能力測驗」,定於421日(周六)下午2時起,於Unionville High School內舉行。該項測驗共分萌芽級、成長級、茁壯級。可報考簡體字測驗(報名費18元)或正體字測驗(16元)兩種,報名費請以支票支付。報名簡章2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章和報名表2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表如附,請打印後填寫報名,盼請家長能鼓勵您的子女踴躍報考,以鑑定學習的成果。敬請家長協助貴子女填寫報名表後,224日之前,將報名表和支票交給老師,由銘華中文學校代為報名。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua.

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」.

Students learnt 12 Chinese zodiac and how to sing the song “12 Chinese zodiac” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wJBOQvaKJs.

The assignment for this week (Jan. 20th) is to draw a “Word Tree” or a “Word Flower” in which you will be looking up different characters under the same radical. You are to then write a phase, pinyin and picture. It’s better to incorporate words that you have learnt throughout lessons 1 to 4. The more the better! Please hand it in next class on January 27th.

In addition, the 2018 Children’s Chinese Competency Test will be held at 2:00 pm on April 21 (Saturday). The location will be at Unionville High School. Regarding the test level, there are sprouting, seedling and blossoming levels. You can decide which level your children are going to attend for the test. Your children may have the option either for the simplified test or traditional test. For simplified test, it costs $18 and $16 for traditional test. Please pay it by check attaching with the registration form. The guideline 2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章 and registration form 2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表 are attached. You can print a copy of the attached files and fill it out. This test is not mandatory but please encourages your children to attend for assessing the result of learning. Please hand in the registration form with the check in the upcoming class by February 24th. Minghua will forward your registration form and check to the test centre. 





另外,「2018年加拿大多倫多地區兒童華語文能力測驗」,定於421日(周六)下午2時起,於Unionville High School內舉行。該項測驗共分萌芽級、成長級、茁壯級。可報考簡體字測驗(報名費18元)或正體字測驗(16元)兩種,報名費請以支票支付。報名簡章2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章和報名表2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表如附,請打印後填寫報名,盼請家長能鼓勵您的子女踴躍報考,以鑑定學習的成果。敬請家長協助貴子女填寫報名表後,223日之前,將報名表和支票交給老師,由銘華中文學校代為報名。


Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua. 

Welcome to the blog 「瘋華語-Mandarinsanity」. 

Students learnt 12 Chinese zodiac and how to sing the song “12 Chinese zodiac” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wJBOQvaKJs. 

The assignment for this week (Jan. 19th) is to draw a “Word Tree” or a “Word Flower” in which you will be looking up different characters under the same radical. You are to then write a phase, pinyin and picture. It’s better to incorporate words that you have learnt throughout lessons 1 to 4. The more the better! Please hand it in next class on January 26th. 

In addition, the 2018 Children’s Chinese Competency Test will be held at 2:00 pm on April 21 (Saturday). The location will be at Unionville High School. Regarding the test level, there are sprouting, seedling and blossoming levels. You can decide which level your children are going to attend for the test. Your children may have the option either for the simplified test or traditional test. For simplified test, it costs $18 and $16 for traditional test. Please pay it by check attaching with the registration form. The guideline 2018 CCCC guidelines – 兒童華語文能力測驗報考簡章 and registration form 2018 CCCC registration – 兒童華語文能力測驗報名表 are attached. You can print a copy of the attached files and fill it out. This test is not mandatory but please encourages your children to attend for assessing the result of learning. Please hand in the registration form with the check in the upcoming class by February 23th. Minghua will forward your registration form and check to the test centre. 

20171208~09 – 「我最喜歡的食物」作文佳作 – Best Work






20171208~09 – 「我最喜歡的食物」作文佳作 – Best Work







Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Saturday in Minghua. 

The assignment for this week is to write an article (at least 100 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 1~4 as many as you can. The topic is “A letter to my parents: Wishing you all the best in 2018”. Please have the article with separate paragraphs, put on your name on it, and make sure it makes sense. In addition, please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your handwriting article. The article is due next class. (January 13th

December 16th is the last class of this year. After winter break, classes will begin regularly starting January 13th, 2018. Please be advised to bring indoor shoes if it starts to snow, because boots are not allowed in the classroom.

Wish all of you have a wonderful and safe vacation.







Dear students of Grade 7-1 on Friday in Minghua.

The assignment for this week is to write an article (at least 100 words) by APPLYING the vocabulary that you have learnt from lesson 1~4 as many as you can. The topic is “A letter to my parents: Wishing you all the best in 2018”. Please have the article with separate paragraphs, put on your name on it, and make sure it makes sense. In addition, please underline all the vocabulary that you apply in your handwriting article. The article is due next class. (January 12th)

December 15th is the last class of this year. After winter break, classes will begin regularly starting January 12th, 2018. Please be advised to bring indoor shoes if it starts to snow, because boots are not allowed in the classroom.

Wish all of you have a wonderful and safe vacation.