To write Chinese characters stroke base


To write Chinese characters stroke base

§  從左到右﹐如「一  From
left to right, such as

§  自上至下﹐如「三  From
top to bottom, such as

§  橫在豎先﹐如「十  First
cross in the vertical, such as

§  先撇後捺﹐如「人 First write after flick(Press down), such as

§  由中而旁﹐如「樂  From
the Central and next, such as

§  由外而內﹐如「月  From
outside to inside, such as

§  直而後鉤﹐如「水 
Straight and then hook
such as 

 §先框後封﹐如「回  First frame after the closure, such as「回  

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