Week #12 – 4/22/2017

Posted by 陳 靜如 on 星期一 4 月 24, 2017 Under 未分類


1. 複習第一課課文, 生字, 句字練

2. 強調發音- 文字, 字是四聲不是輕聲, 輕聲就成了蚊子了. 還有, 哪些字的些是一聲不是二聲, 唸二聲就成了鞋子了.

3. “把” – 造句以及如何把句子運用在 生活中

4. 說故事-中中教中文

5. 潑水歌- 唱跳學期末表演


1. 作業本第11,12, 和17頁

2. 綀習潑水歌.


1. 請確定小朋友備好文具- 本週有二位小朋友沒帶鉛筆, 在小考時還要和別的同學借鉛筆. 這已經不是第一次了. 所以在此請家長配合.

2. 請提醒小朋友吃點心, 喝水, 上厠所應在下課時間完成. 發現學生們常常在上課鈐聲之後還把點心帶進教室吃或是喊著要上厠所. 以上種種還都會延誤上課時間.

3. 請準時9:30到教室上課.

4. 請把要交的作業放在一個檔案夾裡以便收發. 請把舊的作業和其他的紙張取出. 這項己和各位溝通很久了, 如果還有不明白的, 請打電話給我.

5. 期末考是在5/13



What we learned:

1. Reviewed lesson 1 reading, vocabulary, sentences…

2.  Pronunciation

3.  Lesson 1 Story page 12-15

4. 把(ba^) applying to sentences

5. Practice song


Homework book: page 11, 12, 17

Practice the song


1. Please make sure your child bringing pencils, and other class supplies. There were two students did not have pencils on Saturday. They had to borrow from others while taking the quiz.

2. Please remind your child to finish snaps, drinks,  and use restroom during recess, above activities have delayed the second class starting on time.

3. Please arrive the class on time 9:30am.

4. I have been communicating about putting homework in a folder. I need your help to do so to save time to collect homework in the class. If you are not sure what I meant, please give me a call.

5. Final exam will be on 5/13

Next week:

page 10 Vocabulary writing

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