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  3. Second, Health Canada should prioritize license applicants who have a non-violent cannabis criminal charge as well as those living in hard-hit geographies that endured greater harms from prohibition. For example, the City of Sacramento offers a cannabis opportunity reinvestment and equity program. This program assists “individuals and communities who are facing barriers to starting cannabis businesses due to the historical disparate enforcement of cannabis crimes.” As the cannabis era dawns, the buildup toward the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada is in full swing. ‘+displayoptionNOCTitle(highlighted,data)+’ The quantity of destroyed unpackaged edible cannabis went up to 98 million grams in 2021 from 27 million grams in 2020. Destroyed packaged products were also on pace to surpass 2020 levels, with more than three million units destroyed by May 2022 versus 4.6 million units in all of 2020, Health Canada’s figures show. https://zaneriwl431986.livebloggs.com/18579897/best-marijuana-stocks-to-buy 1200mg Clear Gummy Bears This CBD Gummies buying Guide provides you with the information you need to know about Cannabis gummies soft chews. Below, you’ll find all the required information you need to have before you step out to buy CBD gummies online in Ontario, Canada. Editor Christy Snyder tried them: “These gummies are not coated in sugar crystals, which immediately sets them apart from many other gummies I’ve tested. It’s what I prefer. The flavor itself is peachy and smooth, with no aftertaste. I took two gummies for a total of 25 mg, and found that it was the right dosage to relax me while watching TV after work.” A premium, high-quality edible gummy pack from Spinach, SOURZ Strawberry Mango Gummies will offer great value for your money. These marijuana gummies are a delicious mix of strawberry and tropical mango and will, therefore, delight your taste buds. With 5 large, tasty gummies per pack, these edibles will find a permanent spot in your fridge. 


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