【经验分享】PGCE Mandarin 英国汉语教师培训课程

Interested in becoming a Mandarin teacher in the U.K.?
Interested in becoming a qualified Mandarin teacher in the U.K.?
Interested in becoming a Mandarin teacher in U.K. secondary school?
If so, I hope this post is helpful for you!

If you already have a degree, consider a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). A PGCE course mainly focuses on developing your teaching skills, and not on the subject you intend to teach. For this reason, you are expected to have a good understanding of your chosen subject(s) – usually to degree level – before you start training. – Department of Education

PGCE  is a qualification that needed for people who want to become a teacher in U.K. state schools. (This is not usually compulsory in independent school)

GTP is another type of teacher training. (Click here)

I have completed my PGCE Secondary in Teaching Mandarin Chinese and EAL in the Institute of Education, University of London back in September 2011.
It was a full time course (i.e. 1 year).
I was required to complete:1. Two pieces of M-Level Assignment, around 10,000 words.

2. ARF (Assessment Record File)

3. Two school placementsFrom now on, I’m going to talk about how I feel about my PGCE life.Okay, so, My PGCE was… A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!!

Believe me, it was really really amazing. I would say it was the best period in my life time. o(^–^)o

I wanted to become a teacher since I was small. However, I was struggling in making my decision when I was completing my degree – Early Childhood Studies. I couldn’t tell if teaching is the right one for me. I decided to take it after all, because I truly believe becoming a teacher is part of my life mission!

I enjoyed my PGCE very much because it was a practical course. I always looked forward to have practical tasks. When I did my degree, I was so confused how do I actually apply all the theories I learnt in lectures in my future life. And PGCE has shown me all of it. Continue reading

【PPT分享】Name 名字

[PPT] Name (Young Children Ver.) / (Speaking Ver.)

1. 你叫什么名字?
2. 我叫Sophie。

↓ Chinese Made Easy for Kids Lesson 5 

[PPT] Name 字本位 

1. 你叫什么名字?
2. 我叫王天一。

[Quizlet] Name 字本位

[Songs for Children]
What is your name? 你叫什么名字?

10th Annual Chinese Conference 第十届英国中文大会

Workshop title: Creativity in the teaching of Chinese: Developing learning games and fun classroom activities.

Presenter: Sheautian Tan

Co-presenter: I-Han Huang

If you are interested in fun, creative and enhanced positive learning, this workshop is for you. This workshop will introduce a variety of classroom activities (based on the four learning skills). These will be tried and tested activities, particularly aimed at Key Stage 3. The activities will include a mixture of games, animation, internet, music and videos. There will also be a focus on how to work creatively in making presentations interesting to enhance students’ learning.

Click ME to download the presentation of the workshop.

Note: Explanation of each game/activity has been written on each slide note.
From now on, I’m going to talk about how I feel about giving a workshop yesterday.
Today is the 10th Annual Chinese conference in the UK, which was organised by the IOE Confucius Institute for Schools; IOE 孔子学院.

Both me and I-Han (the best co-presenter ever!) were very pleased to have a chance to give workshop in the conference for other teachers from all over the UK.

We presented twice. The first one was the most unforgettable experience. We couldn’t get Powerpoint show up from the projector at the beginning. Guests were coming into our room non-stoply, there even not enough chairs to sit. Guests were standing. Around 100 of them were in the room!! (Both of us were really shocked. Yes, S.H.O.C.K)

One of the teachers asked “When are you two going to start the talk? Its 10 minutes late now.” We were panic, but we then decided to make a start while waiting someone to fix the projector.

So, I was standing at the front and started talking about the creative games we used in our classrooms. I was very very very nervous, because many experienced teachers, Head of MFL, Head of Mandarin and even some headteachers were part of the audiences!!! (T___T)

After 15min, finally the projector was fixed and our talk went much better. (Powerpoint, we love you) The audiences showed a really really great interest in our workshop!

When the first workshop ended, I realised there is no handout left on the tables. We printed out 75 copies, and we thought it was enough, but we didn’t even have any handouts left for the 2nd session!!! (>__<!!)

After that, lots of teachers came to us giving us very positive feedback. They loved it, they enjoyed it, they learnt lots of things from our workshop!

Thank you for the IOE for giving us such as great opportunity. Thank you for all teachers who came to our workshop to support us.

Comments from teachers/Heads:

“It was a wonderful presentation!”

“Your activities are so creative. I am going to use them in my French/Spanish lesson!”

“Your lessons must be great fun! Lots of interesting activities and games. I am gonna steal some of them and use it in my lessons. Haha.”

“Your teaching resources are so beautiful. You must have used lots of time on them! Amazing!”

I-Han, I am very looking forward to work with you next year. These great activities are exactly what we need in our school!” Head of MFL of I-Han‘s new school said.

“Long time no see, Tian! You have changed so much. It was really a great presentation. Well done! Can I have your contact details please? Lets keep in touch!”

“Thank you so much for being so generous in sharing all your great ideas and resources. They are amazing!”

“How long have you been teaching your school?”/”About 1 year.”/”Really?! But from your teaching resources and ideas, you look like you have been teaching for many years! Wow!”

“How old are you?”/”I am 22″/”You are young!!”  – My age and what I am currently doing now always make me feel proud!\(^—^)/

“When I first saw the programme schedule, I quickly made a mark on your workshop. I tell myself I definitely come to your workshop! And I think I made the right choice!”


After the first workshop, both of us were exhausted. We were supposed to have our lunch after that, but we kept thinking about what had happened earlier on. Lots of people… Projector didn’t work… Trying to share as many ideas as possible. Anyway, our second workshop was another success too!
I personally want to say a big thank you to my BEST co-presenter and the most lovely colleague, I-Han jiejie! We have great teamwork! You are a STAR! ★

WE HAD MADE IT! I-HAN, 赞赞赞!(*^ o ^*)/

I believe this definitely is one of the BEST experiences in our life ever. Yeah, I-Han? ^^

【课堂管理】Reward Coupon 奖励彩券

What kind of reward system I use in my lesson? 

I was a teacher that love to gift my students little presents. As I’m a big fans of stationery, I tend to get some cute (kawaiiii) stationery for my students. I give them as a reward, like if they collect a certain amount of stamps or stickers, they could exchange them with the stationery. Or sometimes they could exchange it with some little things that I got from China or back in Malaysia, such as key chain, bookmark…etc.

However, I find out not all students love these, and it could end up with just a waste of money, really.

So one day, two years ago while I was scrolling my wechat moments, and I saw there was a post being shared by my friend. The post was written by 巴别塔. (Please subscribe their wechat page – TheBaBelTower- if you haven’t! They have loads of resources up there.) 巴别塔 was sharing a post about “Cooper Coupon“. I decided to adapt and apply it in my lesson, because it is just AWESOMEEE! I called it Reward Coupon in my class.

How it works:

  • Teacher will give stamp/sticker to students during lesson, based on their classroom performance, homework, engagement. You could just give them stamp if they answer a question correctly in Mandarin. 
  • Students have their stamps/stickers in their front or back cover of their book.
  • Students could exchange their 10 stamps with a House point or school merit (if there is such thing in your school).
  • It is not necessary for students to exchange their 10 stamps with a house point. They could SAVE it up to 15 or 20 stamps to exchange a reward coupon!
This is originally designed by my colleague, Ying Wen. I edited it after.
The students absolutely love it! Each of my year group have around 10 choices of reward coupons. There are different reward coupons available for different year group. You might ask me why. Okay, let’s imagine you show the same coupon “Lunch date with teacher” to the Year 3 and Year 8, hmm….. I can already see my Year 8 showing me the “Noooooooo…” face. (-_____-;;) I did a survey with my students last year, the Year 3 students loved having a lunch date with me. They even chase me up sometimes if I forget to wait them for lunch…
If you interested in knowing the coupons I use my lessons, write me a comment down here. I might introduce them one by one in my next post! ^—^
巴别塔 wechat ID: TheBabelTower
Sheautian weibo ID: sheautian

【PPT分享】Family 我的家人

↓ Chinese Made Easy for Kids Book 1: Lesson 6 and 7 

[PPT] Family 字本位

1. 你家有谁?
2. 我家爸爸、妈妈、哥哥和我。
3. 你家有几口人?
4. 我家有三口人:爸爸、妈妈我。
5. 你有哥哥吗?
6. 我有哥哥,我有两个哥哥。

[Words] Family 字本位 Worksheet 1

[Words] Family 字本位 Worksheet 2

[Quizlet] Family

[PPT] Family (Key Stage 1)

1. 你有哥哥吗?
2. 我哥哥。
3. 我爸爸。

[Words] Family 我的小小中文书 (Key Stage 1)

【PPT分享】Relatives 亲戚

↓ Chinese Made Easy for Kids Book 2: Lesson 2 

[PPT] Relatives 字本位

1. 你叔叔吗?
2. 我有外公和外婆。

[Quizlet] Relatives

[PPT] Relatives

1. 你家亲戚多吗?
2. 我家亲戚很多/不多。
3. 我有……。

【PPT分享】Date 日期

↓ Chinese Made Easy for Kids Book 2: Lesson 3 

[PPT] Date 字本位

1. 今天几月几号?今天九月一号。
2. 今天星期几? 今天星期一。
3. 我二零零二年五月十五号出生
4. 你什么? 我属兔。
5. 那天是星期日。
6. 我的生日是五月十五号。

[PPT] Days of the Week 星期 (Key Stage 1)

1. 今天星期几? 今天星期一。
2. 我星期一游泳。 (who + when + do what)

[Song for Children]
1. 月份歌

【PPT分享】Jobs 职业

↓ Easy Steps to Chinese Book 3: Lesson 5 

[PPT] Occupations

[PPT] Workplace

1. 爸爸是一名律师。
2. 爸爸律师行工作。(who + at where + do what)
3. 你将来想当什么? 我将来想当一名护士。

[Quizlet] Occupations

[Flash Card] Occupations

Please also see Work Clothes.

↓ Easy Steps to Chinese Book 4: Lesson 2 Text 1

[PPT] Occupations

1. 我叔叔结婚了。
2. 爸爸是一名教授,他在大学工作。

[Worksheet] Occupations 

[Quizlet] Occupations

【PPT分享】Vegetables 蔬菜

↓ Chinese Made Easy for Kids Book 1: Lesson 12 

[PPT] Vegetable 字本位

1. 你每天吃什么蔬菜?
2. 我每天吃黄瓜和土豆。
3. 你喜欢吃白菜吗?
4. 我喜欢吃白菜。

[Words] Vegetable 字本位 Worksheet 

[Quizlet] Vegetable

[PPT] Vegetable (Advanced ver.)

1. 你喜欢吃蔬菜吗?
2. 我不太喜欢吃蔬菜。

[Words] Vegetable 我的小小中文书 (Key Stage 1)

1. 你喜欢吃蔬菜吗?
2. 我喜欢吃蔬菜。
3. 姐姐不吃南瓜。