Lesson Eight (Level 1)

Posted by Mingwei Shieh on Sunday Jan 31, 2016 Under 美洲華語第一冊( Level 1)

學習目標(Learning Objective)

  • 學生會聽/說/讀出“石”,“風”,“沙”,“明”,“子”,“足”,“玩"等字

    (Students can understand and speak “stone”, “wind”, “sand”, “bright”, “foot”, “child”, “play”. )

  • 學生能運用”我想去….“的句型

    (Students can using “I want to ….” sentence.)



筆順練習(Writing Practice) :

點選下列生字即可觀看筆順 (Click on the characters below to see how they are written.)



聽說練習 (Listening and Speaking Practice):

每個生詞都有三次練習機會, 請在”嗶”聲後跟讀。(Each recording below will say a phrase 3 times, each time ending in a beep. Try to repeat the phrase after the first beep!)


石頭 Stone


化石 Fossil


風箏 Kite


沙灘 Beach


沙發 Sofa


房子 House


足球 Soccer


玩具車 Toy car


行禮 Salute


猜拳 Rock Paper Scissors game


輸 Loss


贏   Win


句型練習: (Grammar)

我想去..+Place + activity.             ( I want to go to  + place + activity.)


我想去沙灘玩沙子 。 I want to go to the beach to play with the sand.


th   +  SOCCER

我想去草地踢足球 。 I want to go to the field to play soccer.


Butchart_gardens    +    9367123936_dc78b5c0d8

我想去花園放風箏 。 I want to go to the garden to fly the kite.


趣味文字 (Character creation game): 

拼拼看~ 試著把字組合成新的字. Two Chinese characters can be combined to form a new one. Try to guess what the new character is!







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