暑假作業:精選動畫故事 +語文高手和量詞大考驗

Online reading assignment: 精選動畫故事 total 24 stories, please record the date and a few words about the main ideal after you finished each story.





[以上2 flash games 資源取自:顏國雄老師 雄之家http://mail.lsps.tp.edu.tw/~gsyan/works/flash/


一隻、一枝、一打……這些量詞你知道怎麼用嗎?挑戰一下你對量詞的瞭解程度。目前的題庫的來源主要是由雄老師將之前王文裕老師設計的”喜從天降”CAI 中的題庫轉換而來。

[感謝 顏國雄老師的慷慨分享 受惠不少莘莘學子和華文教師]

5 thoughts on “暑假作業:精選動畫故事 +語文高手和量詞大考驗

  1. 1)Really long video, so I only watched part of it, but I believe it’s the story of how the monkey king broke his sword and went to go steal the magical pole from the sea-dragon king.

    2)This video shows how radicals are important in grouping things, such as animals. It also shows how you can guess the meaning of the word by looking at the radical.

    3)Hrm. I’m guessing this is the summer homework… I’ll do this later since I can’t do it all now.

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