自立中文学校八年级一班(Dec 9, 2015) 各位亲爱的同学:大家好! 今天我们要进行期中考试。上周进行笔试部分,主要是考核学过的:汉语拼音,金句,弟子规以及《买文具》《四只小兔》等。今天我们还要进行口语考试,内容是《我愿》以及《扬子江船夫曲》。 李老师
Everyone can benefit from and learn from this. Maintain a constant stream of updates. I appreciate your help a great deal. Again, I appreciate you giving it to me. 回覆
Everyone can benefit from and learn from this. Maintain a constant stream of updates. I appreciate your help a great deal. Again, I appreciate you giving it to me.
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