對話練習(Dialogue Practice)


There is a "Dialogue Practice" related the Lesson 8.

Please Click"閱讀全文" to get into the Dialogue Practice. 

轉載自" 僑教雙週刊第628期常用中文句型篇 "

情境對話 Dialogue,
相關詞彙 Vocabulary,
基本語序 Basic Word Order,
延伸詞群 Word Bank,
延伸練習 Exercise,
語調練習 Intonation Practice,
擴展練習 Speaking Drill,
英翻中 Translate the sentence into Chinese,
看圖說故事Picture Description,

Please click each topic above to learn the sentence structure about Lesson 8.

如果你的電腦系統是無法播放此對話練習,請您直接點選" 情境對話"" 相關詞彙"" 基本語序"" 延伸詞群"" 延伸練習"" 語調練習"" 擴展練習"" 英翻中"" 看圖說故事"聆聽並練習對話!
If your computer system can not play the "Flash file" above.Please pick " Dialogue"" Vocabulary"" Basic word order"" Word Bank"" Exercise"" Intonation Practice"" Speaking Drill"" Translate the sentence into Chinese"" Picture Description"" to listen and practice the dialogue!


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