

與人為善   With good intentions toward others 

孔子告訴學生, 做人應儘量不拿自己的優點, 去張顯別人的弱點.Confucius told his students; don’t compare our strong points to other’s weak points. 

不要故意表現自己的善心, 去顯示別人的惡意. Don’t intentionally show our kindness to manifest other’s malice.  

千萬不要以自己的聰明才智, 去捉弄別人,欺負別人, 應該要謙虛, Don’t use our intelligence to tease and bully others. We should remain humble. 

看見別人有過錯, 要寬恕, 看見別人做了好事, 要表揚, 同時給做惡的人有改過的機會.We should forgive others when they make a mistake and praise others for their good deeds.  At the same time, give those who did act of evil a chance to improve themselves.  

下面這個故事是 “與人為善” 的故事.

The following story is called “Kindness Toward Others”.


 是講先帝“舜” 年輕的時候,在河邊看人捕魚,

It was talking about our ancestor “Shuen”. When he was young, he saw fishermen fish in the river.  

看到水深魚多的地方, 都被年輕力壯的人佔取了,

Those areas with deeper water and more fish were occupied by those younger fishermen.   

而年少老弱的漁人, 都被排擠在淺水沒有魚的地方,

And those elder fishermen were push aside to the shallow water with less fish.

“舜” 心中很難過,“Shuen” was very sad.  

於是, 他也親自下水捕魚. As a result, he went to fish in the river, too.  

凡是碰到別人過來搶捕, 他就故意讓人, 而不抱怨.Whenever other people came to loot the fish, he would let others catch the fish without complain. 

碰到有人把魚讓給他捕, 就當面稱讚並道謝. When other fishermen allowed him to catch the fish, he would praise and thanks them.   

如此, 相處了一段時間, 也就形成了禮讓的風氣, 人與人之間也能和睦相處.After a length of time, they’re not only getting along with each other but also became very courtesy and homonymous among them.   *

總之, 念念不忘為大眾著想. 維護真理原則, 就是與人為善.When we uphold to the truth and always think about others, that is true “When Others do Good Things Then we will Follow”.



1.      故事中的主角用什麼方法來教育大家?

2.      故事中是誰教大家要與人為善?

3.      孔子告訴學生, 不要以自己的聰明才智去捉弄別人,

欺負別人, 應該要如何?

4.      我們對做了壞事的人要如何?



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