2014-11-1 銘華中文學校周六8-2班

(本周上課內容Lesson outline

‧ 漢語拼音 Pinyin

複習三個聲母 j, q, x、三個韻母ia, ie, iao

 ‧ 生活華語 Living Mandarin


‧一千字說華語 Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words

  生字詞學習、課文朗讀 、會話練習

‧ 唐詩Poems

山行  Mountain Trip學習詩歌內容、漢字與拼音Recitation

 ()本周作業 Homework

 ‧ Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words –Study the vocabulary list of Lesson 1

()下周考試 Quiz on next week 2014-11-08

‧ Speak Mandarin in 1000 Words –the vocabulary list of Lesson 1

78 thoughts on “2014-11-1 銘華中文學校周六8-2班

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