學校簡介 About

福德中文學校是由亞省福建同鄉會在愛城(Edmonton)所成立的一所中文學校,並開辦書法國畫班,中華舞蹈班及吉他班,.華語文教學方面,全面教授國語(普通話 Mandarin)。目前學校共開八個班,分別為初級班(一班漢語併音班及一班注音符號班)、中級班、高階班及。同時亦分別教授正體字及簡體字。

The FuDe Chinese school, established by the Fukinese Association of Alberta, currently offers several different classes, including: traditional Chinese painting, traditional Chinese dance, guitar, as well as several levels of Mandarin culture and language. There are currently eight levels of mandarin classes. Beginning students enroll in one of two Elementary Mandarin courses, one course being based on Pinyin, the romanization of Mandarin sounds, and another based on the more traditional Zhuyin. Students who master this material then move on to various intermediate and advanced courses. The classes teach both traditional and simplified characters to better meet student needs.


The school’s purpose is to improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. While FuDe’s primary goal is increasing students’ desire to learn and improve their education, being of at least equal significance is allowing members of the community to gain life experience and push the boundaries currently holding us all back. All of the educators are competent, accredited teachers with many years of teaching experience.


In March of 2016 an adult Mandarin learning class was introduced, which focuses on  elementary grammar, simple conversation, and pronunciation practice. The class is held each Saturday from 12:30 to 1:45.

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