Online tools for Learning Chinese


這份資料原本放在另一個部落格給我學生用的, 前幾天想找這篇連結, 居然怎麼想都想不出來, 我放到那兒去了. 剛剛, 總算找到了. [喜新念舊]裡原本也有一篇類似的, 所以, 我把他們結合, 我想, 還是放一份在這裡好了, 畢竟, 我還是最習慣來[喜新念舊]找資料.

Online tools: 

1. 詞酷


   Chinese Character Dictionary


4. 黃橋 (recommend)

5. Chinese Picture Dictionary

6. Google Translate


8. Popup Chinese 中文泡泡

9. 漢典

10. WCC Chinese-English Dictionary (

11. 中文字譜 


Online Chinese Input/convert Methods

1. Input King

2. Pinyinput

3. Popup Chinese 中文泡泡

4. 谷趣中文 Cozy Chinese


How to install East Asian Language Support

Installing East Asian Language Support Under Windows XP

Installing East Asian Language Support Under Windows 2000 Professional

Installing East Asian Language Support Under Windows Vista

Installing East Asian Language Support Under Mac (Simplified Chinese input method)

**How to set up your Chinese Input ~~A quick start guide to using Pinyin Input for Simplified and Traditional Chinese Characters


If you really have trouble to install the language support, here are some options for you to type in Chinese.

The link below allows you to enter Chinese characters by writing it on the screen with the mouse cursor. It’ll be very useful when you want to check a character and you don't know its pinyin.

This tool allows you to write Chinese on your computer without installing any software. This Online Chinese input editor is based on pinyin.

Another way to do is to use the following flash keyboards.

Traditional Character Pinyin Keyboard

Simplified Character Pinyin Keyboard

 Thank Teacher Yan who created this Typing Keyboard flash.