Dear students,

It was a pleasure seeing you all this morning, and it is so motivating to see how many of you are enjoying our Chinese lessons. 🙂

Just a reminder: We are going to recite the two Tang Poems (唐詩) as a class next week, and actually 3 people will be chosen to do them solo as well.

If you are interested to volunteer, please e-mail me at ^_^

Please see below for our lesson handouts:

1) 2015-2016 Vocabulary List:  20150918-19_七年級生字、生詞表

2) 兩首唐詩 (Two Tang Poems):



3) Song Translation: 茶米油鹽醬醋茶

Youtube Feature:

4) As part of homework this week, please practice sentence creation using page 33 of the textbook.

Some examples we did in class are as follows:

如果沒有下雨, 怎麼會彩虹?

先有, 然後才有.

First we have…, and then we have…

先有學生, 然後才有學校.

First we have students, and then we have schools.


Have a great week! Blessings!~

Mr. Liu