ehomework 春季 第六週(2/28-3/5/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第七課 115-119 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 115-119 .

2.請完成課本第六十七頁課文錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)

Please record the text book page 67, click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you recording and submitting the ehomework. Please try to recite all of the text before recording .(due time: 3/5/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論 my recording and comment from teacher

ehomework 春季 第五週(2/21-2/27/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第七課 109-113頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 109-113 .

2.請完成課本第六十八,六十九頁課文錄音,錄音前請盡力背誦所有課文再行錄音。(最遲不要超過 星期六 晚上九時三十分繳交錄音功課)

Please record the text  book page 68/69 sentences total have eight sentences , click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you recording and submitting the ehomework. Please try to recite all of the text before recording .(due time: 2/27/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論 my recording and comment from teacher

Book 3 Lesson Ten 美洲華語三 第十課

第十課生字筆順(please  to click every word one time to know the order of strokes and also memorize the pronunciation and radical part for reviewing the lesson)





第十課生字與生詞-1 WORD AND PHASES

第十課生字與生詞-1 測驗TEST

第十課生字與生詞-2 WORD AND PHASES

第十課生字與生詞-2 測驗 TEST

Book 3 Lesson Eight 美洲華語三 第八課

第八課生字筆順(please  to click every word one time to know the order of strokes and also memorize the pronunciation and radical part for reviewing the lesson)




第八課 生字造詞WORDS and PHASES

第八課生詞測驗 TEST



ehomework 春季 第四週(2/14-2/20/2016)

1.請完成第三冊美洲華語作業本第六課 102-108,186 頁練習。

Please finish MeiZhou Chinese Level Three practicing sheets page 102 to 108,186.


Please read textbooks sixty-two to sixty-five story and prepare to answer the following questions (select at least three questions to answer) and recording these chosen questions and answers with the whole sentences. Please try to recite all the answers before you are recording . 


1.Why did the mouse mayor forbid his daughter to marry a mouse in the beginning?


2.Why did the mouse mayor think the sun was most powerful?


3.What did the mouse mayor realize whom is the most powerful?


4.Whom did the mouse mayor’s daughter marry to?


5.On what date did she get married?

click the following link(the words-go recording) and will help you to record and submit the ehomework.

(due time: 2/27/2016 9:30 PM)

準備錄音 go recording

我的錄音結果與老師評論my recording and comment from teacher




The day of the show  will come soon!
Our last rehearsal exercise, plus sister drumming accompaniment; we all put zodiac clothing, ready to debut!


十二生肖一起來拜年!Chinese Zodiacs greet Chinese New Year