chinese class 01/26/2013

My dear kids,

You improved so much on the four tones of PINYIN. Well done!Let's keep moving! 🙂

Tip:When you use the quizlet to help your reviewing.You can click the "sound" icon on the top.Then you can hear the correct pronunciation of each word.

一、The twelve animals of Chinese Zodiac


二、Numbers from one to ten



三、A rhyme about a little mouse 


四、Listen to the 《123 number song》      



五、   homework

Please paint the twelve animals on the paper and try to tell your parents what are they. Don't forget to hand it to me on next Saturday! :)

chinese class 01/19/2013

Hello my dears,

You did so good at last time. I really hope you can keep all the new knowledge in your mind.Just keep your enthusiasm in learning chinese,you must will get great improve in the future!

一、Four tones of PIN YIN                   


二、New words


Please try to use PINYIN to Pronunce the words from TEXTBOOK Page4——Page6.

Chinese Class 01/12/2013

 Dear CSL K kids and parents,

[pīn yīn]

The Chinese phonetic alphabets——to combine sounds to form words or syllables ; to pronounce a word by following its phonetic symbols.So that's very important for all the begining learners.

This is our first class.Please be sure you all have learned the "class rules"and "class break rules" . Everyone were doing great during the class on last Saturday.Let's do some reviewing now.

一、Can you read?

       b p m f    d t n l   g k h

   a o e i u

二、Four tones in PIN YIN


   let's read with the four tones

   ā á ǎ à   ō ó ǒ ò  ī í ǐ ì

三、How to say "Hello" in chinese?

         你好   nǐ hǎo

四、Please take a look at this video every day and read follow it!