08/24/2013 Chinese Class

一、New words   生词

二、New Song《我的朋友在哪里?》《Where is my friend》






1、Workbook P10
Please copy the PINYIN for two times.

2、Please finish the worksheet what I sent to you. 🙂

08/17/2013 Greetings!

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to be one of the CSL K. Now we are a family. As a member, I hope you can enjoy find like home!We can make a lot of fun !

 Last Saturday we reviewed Lesson one to Lesson four with our text book. You can find all the metarials in this Blog. Please help yourself to use it! 

 Next week we are gonna to learn Lesson five. Please take some time to  preview it. Some of you might can read the words with PINYIN.:) No paper homework this week.

Emily Wang